The Boy Forsaken by Fate

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Shinsou made no move to use banshee. "Hey, you're the ten-million-point kid. Right?

There was no response.

Shinsou had assumed that someone had told Midoriya about his quirk. He decided to take a different approach. If Shinsou couldn't get an answer, then he could at least get a rise out of him. "Hey. You know that tail dude? The one in your class. Isn't he an idiot for throwing away his chance to participate in the last event?" Shinsou scoffed with a sneer.

"Don't you dare say that about my friend! You wouldn't unders-" Midoriya halted mid-sentence, his voice caught in his throat and his body going lax.

"Wouldn't understand what? Sorry, I couldn't quite catch the end of that" Shinsou mocked with a smirk. He had to thank Spinel later on for telling him that the tail guy previously on his cavalry team was in their class. After learning that, it was just too easy. Midoriya seemed like the type of guy who was nice to everyone and genuinely gave two shits about them. Shinsou would be damned if he didn't take the opportunity that was handed to him on a silver platter.

Shinsou tilted his head, his expression going back to his usual deadpan "You know, you really are fortunate, Midoriya. Now then, turn around and walk out of bounds."

Midoriya turned around and obediently started walking. What? What am I doing? No! Stop. Midoriya screamed internally as he tried to gain control of his body. He slowly began to walk to the edge of the stage. He was trapped in his own mind.

"I expected something like this would happen. The entrance exam isn't too kind on people with mental quirks. His quirk is powerful, but it doesn't work on robots." Aizawa sighed off the microphone.


All Might watched in horror as his successor started walking closer to the edge. "Young Midoriya, you can't come this way!" He panicked in his smaller form.

Midoriya's head felt like it was filled with fog, like he wasn't his own person. Even though Ojiro had warned him, he wasn't able to resist responding to Shinsou's taunt.


Shinsou stood just as still watching his victim move away. He knew that after this people would be more wary of him and his quirk. Once again, he would be left with people who too were scared to talk to him. Well, except Mei and Spinel. He thought. Shinsou was at the very least comforted knowing that they wouldn't judge him based on his quirk. His eyebrows crinkled at the memory when not too long-ago Spinel had asked him to brainwash her. Even now he still refused to entertain her request. He was afraid that once he did, accident or not, she would leave and bring Mei with her. Without those two. Who did he have left?

"Even with a quirk like mine. I have a dream; now lose for me." He muttered to Midoriya.


Midoriya tried to think of a way he could shock his body and break out of Shinsou's grasp. He begged with every fiber of his being to regain control of himself. He couldn't let them down. He had promised Ojiro to fight on his behalf. All his friends that were cheering him on - who believed in him – he didn't want to let his fight be a loss. To lose in a place like this, I won't accept that! They are counting on me! That's when he saw it. In the hallway, eight blinding stars shining in the darkness. Eight silhouettes. A splash of color merged into him and he felt a tingling in his fingers. He curled his two fingers with the newfound power surging through him and flicked downwards to the ground.

There was a gust of wind followed by a silence.

No... He shouldn't have been able to move! "What did you do?!" Shinsou pushed on Banshee almost fumbling with it and turned the volume dial up to max. His disbelief hidden by his scowl and mask.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now