Two Letters

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Once Spinel and Shindou entered the hall they split off and joined their respective classmates. "Anything interesting happen?" Spinel asked Shouto as she took the free space to his right.

"Not really, he is about to explain the rules now though."

The exam proctor sighed, not even bothering to hide his tiredness. "Basically, you have to place these three targets or "weak points" on your body on any exposed area." He holds up a target and an orange ball "You will receive a box with six orange balls. Your targets light up if they are hit by one of the balls. If all three are lit up, then you are eliminated. You must eliminate at least two other students to pass the first phase. Only the first one hundred students will make it to the final test."

Once Spinel was handed her three targets, she placed one on the front of her right hip, one on her stomach and the final one over her heart. She figured that they would be pretty difficult to hit since her guard usually protected those spots anyway. The only problem though would be when she used her quirk. Spinel had no idea what would happen when she shifted forms. Would the targets fall off? or would they shift with her? Maybe they would stay stuck on her blob form?

The room began to quiver and shake as the walls of the room started to rumble; the walls opened up revealing an array or different landscapes. "As you can see there are various landscapes. I'm sure there are some of you who prefer certain landscapes over others." The proctor deadpanned. "Use your quirks wisely. That is all."

Spinel looked around and scanned the area, mountains, abandoned factory, urban city and forest. If she was being completely honest, she had no idea where he quirk would work best. Spinel did, however, know where it would work the worst.

"Guys we need to stick together and move as a group!" Izuku called out to his classmates. He was certain other students would team up with their classmates too, especially considering that it's much easier to work with people who you know the quirks of.

"No way, this isn't some stupid class field trip!" Bakugo shouted as he ran off.

Kirishima chased after him with the intention to stop him from leaving. "Hey! Get back here Bakubro!"

Shouto was the next to go, "Sorry, I'm out too. I can't make good use of my power if we are packed together" He ran off in the opposite direction of Bakugo.

Spinel planned to leave the group too, she felt a little bad though that Bakugo and Shouto also left but she really didn't want to stay. If she was correct in her guess, she would end up meeting Yoyei again in the mountain area. So, to avoid that she headed towards the cityscape. "I'm going to the city, sorry Izuku!"


"Aren't you worried? Out of all the schools, UA has lost the advantage of having unknown quirks. The festival exposed their strengths, weaknesses and styles to the world. What better way to take the top school down a notch than by crushing their students."

Aizawa looked on at his students unconcerned. "The reason why I didn't tell them is because there was no point in telling them. They know what they have to do, and they will push through it. They are heroes in training."


The UA students survived the onslaught of attacks and balls coming towards them, each student having each other's backs.

Jirou connected her ear jacks to her speakers and pointed them at the ground. Heartbeat Distortion. She activated her quirk and the earth crumbled, flying upwards towards their attackers.

A wall of acid appeared in front of Sato and stopped the balls flying towards him. Acid Veil. Mina grinned, proud that she managed to make it in time.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now