This is War

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"Mei-Mei!" Spinel shouted as she slammed the door open. She needed some of that infectious energy that Mei oozed to help calm her.

The pink haired girl turned to face the now open door "Spinel! This is great! Just in time I managed to make the alterations to your costume and now it's better than ever!" She practically dragged Spinel deeper inside the blast zone, which would be considered the whole room. Mei dashed around and grabbed Spinel's costume boots and gloves which were now a metallic silver and put them down on the open table with surprising care. "You said you wanted sticky and zappy and floaty. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it floaty and zappy and sticky at the same time." She gestured behind her to what looked like a graveyard of dangerous activities. "But I did manage to get zappy, floaty and magnety."

Spinel understood the first two but was a little concerned by the last new addition. "Ok. So, what do they do?"

"I'm glad you asked! Put them on!" Mei rambled on about...something, as Spinel got comfortable in the new gear. They were considerably lighter than she thought they would be. And even she had to admit they looked pretty badass.

"Your gauntlets are pretty much the same except I changed the way the voltage is discharged. With each finger placed on the surface of whatever you wanna zap the voltage increases. So, one finger would give them a slight shock and the maximum with all five fingers would knock out the average person." Mei continued practically bouncing in place. "For your boots, if you tap the tip of your toes on the ground it turns on the hover function. To turn off the function you tap again."

Spinel tapped her toes and she suddenly found herself an inch off the ground slipping on air. She grabbed the table to stabilize herself and sighed. "I'll have to practice these."

"Now the magnets, you can turn the function with this little button here." Mei pointed at a little green light. "As far as I'm aware your yoyos are made of metal. These gloves can pull back your yoyos with the magnets embedded in them. If you ever find yourself disarmed, you can call back your yoyos." Mei looked mighty proud of herself. Spinel went to give Mei a hug, but she didn't get very far as she realized her hover boots were still on. Instead of giving Mei a hug she ended up kissing the floor instead.

"O-owch" She whimpered quietly as she tapped the boots off. She heard a suppressed snicker from her right and glared. When she turned to see who it was, her glare quickly turned into mortification. Her face and ears red. It was Periwinkle. He was there watching the whole thing in silence. "Why didn't you say you were here?" she whined as she stayed on the ground accepting that she was now one with the floor.

"You seemed pretty annoyed when you came in." He shrugged "Then the both of you started having your fun. I got to witness comedy gold as you fell."

"You're a fucking asshole." She pouted at him not being serious at all.

Shinsou smirked and held his hand out to help her up. "Yeah, but you love that"

She took his hand not commenting as he helped her up. Mei watched the pair and tapped her fingers together evilly. "Spinel, Shinsou are you free next Saturday?"

"Yeah I don't have anything going on all day. Why?"

"I don't have any plans"

"Great! Because I'm busy. Have a good date you two." Mei pushed the pair out of the classroom faster than they could reply and shut the door. Mei sighed. Has seen the pair separately and the pair together. When alone, Shinsou was pretty deadpan and more on the quiet side. He looked like 'tired' personified. And when Spinel was alone – without Mei- she seemed to have an equal level of stoic; she wasn't as animated that's for sure. Mei sighed and shook her head. How did the pair not notice? When either of the two see the other it's like the room brightens -much to Mei's dismay. She hoped they would notice soon because she didn't think she could handle any more of the mutual pining.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now