A Logical Ruse

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The door slammed open causing Spinel to look up from her phone. Her eyes fell upon a student, he had spikey blond hair and a scowl that seemed to be permanently etched into his features. Damn, this guy is even more out of dress code than I am. His red eyes met hers in an unofficial stare down. He scoffed.

Um, bitch what?

The boy sat down on his seat kicking his feet up like he owned the place. Spinel looked up at the chart to help identify his name. Bakugo Katsuki. She turned away. The pair made no effort to talk to each other and opted to sit in silence.

Fuck. The next person to arrive was none other than glasses-mc-what's-his-face. Of course, she was in the same class as him, why wouldn't she be?

As soon as he entered his eyes locked onto the pair of students who were clearly out of dress code. "You two! You are both violating the dress code rules! You didn't even take out your jewelry. And you" he turned to Bakugo "Get your feet off the desk! I cannot condone actions that disrespect these desks."

Naturally Bakugo refused and began to shout at Mr.Mcglasses. The pair continued to bicker allowing Spinel to tune them out. She needed to pay attention to when little Todoroki came in. Speak of the devil.

Todoroki walked in silently. Not drawing attention to himself. Spinel examined him. I bet he'd taste like peppermint. She shook the thought away, nope. Dabi told me not to assess people by how they taste. Todoroki's hair was split dead center, his right side white and his left was crimson red, on the left side he also had a scar. It's probably part of his tragic character back story, Spinel speculated. He didn't really share too many similarities with Dabi but there were enough if you looked hard enough.

Todoroki sat at his designated seat keeping his expression blank, taking her chance Spinel moved and stood beside him. "Pleasure. I'm Rosenthal. But call me Spinel." She held out her hand for a handshake. Todoroki just stared at her hand for a moment before meeting her eyes.

"Todoroki Shouto." He stated disinterested.

He didn't say anything else nor did he accept the handshake. Tough crowd. "Well nice to meet you. We'll be great friends!" Spinel chirped undeterred.

More people started filing in with varying levels of excitement. She noticed a familiar shark-like grin, "Kirishima?"

"Oh! Spinel! We are in the same class" He answered cheerfully.

She noticed his change in appearance. His black hair was now bright red and gelled up in spikes. As someone who also dyed her hair, she could appreciate how well it was colored. "The new look suits you" she winked before taking her seat again.

Spinel didn't really care much for the rest of her classmates since she had already completed her goal of the day.

"Dekuuuuu! What are you doing here?!" Growled the blond Pomeranian – Bakugo was it?

The green haired boy spluttered for an answer looking increasingly uncomfortable. Whatever dynamic the two had it didn't seem like a positive one.

A long slurp was heard above all the ruckus. The sleeping bag opened revealing a man inside, he had strong dark grungy hobo energy. Eraserhead. Spinel's eyes widened. One, she locked his sleeping bag closed and two, they interacted many times when she was at 'work'. Spinel didn't say anything trying not to draw attention to herself.

"Alright that's enough. It took most of you eight seconds to notice me and get seated. In the field those eight seconds could mean the difference between success or failure. I'm the underground hero Eraserhead but you may call me Aizawa-sensei. Now then, get your gym uniforms and meet me on the field in ten." Aizawa instructed with an unreadable expression.

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