My name is...

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"Are you excited for class?" Spinel asked Shinsou. They had crossed paths on the way to school and decided to walk together.

Despite Shinsou looking like a zombie there was a little glint of excitement in his eyes. "Yeah..." Shinsou paused for a moment thinking. "Hey, you know I meant what I said at the sports festival."

She looked at him confused. He said a lot of things during the sports festival and he expected her to remember a specific one?

Shinsou could practically see Spinel frantically going through everything that happened in the sports festival to find out what he was referring too. Shinsou sighed and shook his head. "I meant it when I called you Kitty Cat."

Spinel froze.

"Is it ok for me to call you that as a nickname? You do already call me Periwinkle and Hitoshi; I think it's only fair I get to give you a nickname too." Shinsou was doing everything in his power to stop himself from blushing. "Maybe, kitty or would kitten be better?" He stopped beside her when she stopped moving. "Or something else if you don't like that." He quickly added on the end just in case.

Spinel was having an internal meltdown and her ears burned a bright red. She was sure she would die if he said 'kitty' or 'kitten' the way he did just then. Kitty cat was already pushing her luck. There wasn't really too much of a problem if it was just the names but with his voice? He made it sound so sinful.

"Kitty cat is fine. Kitty is ok too." Her voice came out as a squeak. "I-I um. Kitten is fine, but like not, um. You can only use it in private." She had no idea what she was saying anymore. Her brain.exe stopped working a little while back. In private?! What the hell does 'in private' mean? What? What was I even thinking? Oh wait, I wasn't. While Spinel was having a little moment, her face heated up more.

Shinsou was pleased. Not only had he gotten permission to use that nickname, but he also managed to fluster her so much that he could see the pink covering her whole face. He smirked an evil glint in his eye. "Kitty?"

Spinel let out a long high-pitched whine before deciding she needed to get him flustered too as revenge. She looked up at him, her face still pink and her eyes a little glossy from embarrassment. "M-meow" She said shyly in response.

Shinsou sucked in a deep breath and turned away immediately, one of his hands covering his face. He wasn't expecting that response at all. Shinsou would never have thought she would actually mewl like that. He did tease her a bit, so it was only fair. Karma was just doing its work. Though this time he wasn't complaining.

Spinel realized what a silly idea that was as her response only made her cheeks burn more, this time however she decided that it was worth it when he quickly looked away and covered his face. She could see his ears were now just as red as hers. Totally worth it.


By the time the pair had made it to class their dangerous levels of blushing settled down again. They were both pretty early. Spinel led them to the classroom and showed him where he would sit. She assumed it was the seat Koda had before. "On your left is Tokoyami, on your right is Iida -the glasses guy. Uh, let's see. Behind you diagonally on your left is Shouto and one seat over to your left is where I'm sitting!" She chirped with a grin.

Shinsou placed his stuff down at his desk. "Sounds good." It wasn't too bad a seat, he supposed. He was close to Todoroki but that was fine. It could be worse. As she continued naming where everyone sat and gave a quick description of his new classmates, Shinsou nodded along until he saw Aizawa-sensei. He looked deader than dead if that was even possible.

Aizawa-sensei grunted to greet the pair. "Shinsou, I need to talk to you after homeroom." He grumbled as he crawled into his sleeping bag and sat on the teacher's chair. "get seated, class will be in session soon."

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now