Laughter is The Best Medicine

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 "It will be considerably safer to have the students on campus." All Might answered. It seemed that he was the only one in the room who didn't notice Dabi's annoyance coming off in waves.

"So, you are saying she isn't safe with me?"

All Might put his hands up frantically as he tried for a save. "No, no that's not what I'm saying! I mean that she would be much better off with us."

The room temperature steadily started to increase as the seconds ticked on. "So, basically I'm not good enough?" Dabi growled, as his annoyance turned to anger.

"It's just that we want to protect her and keep her out of danger. We mean no insult to you or your capabilities. In our care she will be less likely to come across a villain."

All Might was right about the last part, but that wasn't really the main point. Dabi wasn't about to give up his baby sister without a fight. "Hm. Protect and keep her out of danger like with that kidnapped kid? Bakugo, was it? I believe he got kidnapped while in your care."

All Might had stood up trying to reason with Dabi. "We are doing this, so we don't have another incident like that. In the dorms she will be protected."

Maybe he was overreacting. But Dabi knew that there was no one more capable at protecting his baby sister from the league of villains than him. He was in the league for fucks sake. "So, you are saying I can't protect her?"

"No, it's just that the teachers are all pro heroes and we are trained to protect and defend against villains and especially the area you currently live in is...less than desirable for a student. We are pro heroes and you work in a restaurant. We are more capable." If All Might had more tact, he would have known not to say that.

The heat in the room was at an all-time high, literally that is. Dabi didn't actually work in a restaurant but even so, he felt insulted by what the retired pro hero had said. "From what I just understood from your bold statement is that, because I'm not a pro hero I am not capable of defending my baby sister? She seems to be in more danger with you than with me. All the news articles have been saying that the villains attacked UA because you were working there, All Might." Dabi was seething by the end of his sentence and his hands had started to heat up.

"Hey brother!" Spinel squeaked, as she avoided using Dabi's name. "It's getting a bit hot in the room, could you turn the AC on for a bit?" Truthfully, she didn't really like the idea of living in dorms. It would limit the freedom she had. Was she going to tell Dabi that though? Of course not. Spinel knew that if she didn't stop the pair, Dabi would have thrown hands. Honestly speaking, Dabi would have probably let her stay in the dorms without putting up a fight. That is until All Might had to go and say something that triggered not only Dabi's big brother instincts but also his pride as both a villain and a fighter.

Aizawa was glad that Spinel had asked her brother to go turn on the AC, it not only made the sweltering room cooler, but it also gave both her brother, and All Might a chance to calm down a bit. Aizawa knew that convincing Spinel's brother would be the most difficult which is why he left her for last. It seemed like it was going to go well, that was until All Might just had to choose this particular household to be vocal in. Somehow, All Might had managed to insult her brother's pride and also the living space of the pair. Aizawa knew it wasn't the best place for Spinel to live and he also knew that her brother was probably aware of that. Whatever their circumstances were, he didn't plan on touching that can of worms.

Dabi strolled back in the living room looking considerably calmer now that he had a chance to cool off. "Sorry 'bout that. Let's continue." Dabi sat back down in his seat and glared at All Might. He didn't mind the man too much, he just said some rather thoughtless things, I mean who doesn't?

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