Yellow Sleeping Bag

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"Firecracker, did anything come in the mail today?" Spinel asked for what seemed like the hundredth time. The suspense of not knowing her results were eating away at her nerves. Spinel curled on the sofa scrolling through her phone in a poor attempt to distract herself. "You know, I just realized something."

"What?" Dabi asked, turning to face her from the kitchen.

"Well, after the test. You know how I told you about Kirishima? The person who teamed up with me."

Dabi nodded while he continued his task. "Yeah? What about it?"

"Well, my parting words to him were 'see you in class'. At the time it felt super cool to say that. But looking back on it now..." She let out a high-pitched whine and hid her face in her scarf. "What if we don't end up in the same class? Wouldn't that just be super awkward?"

Dabi tried to hold in a laugh to no avail "You, you are such a dork!" He wiped a few forming tears then placed sandwiches on the table. "Lunch first. We can check the mail after." There was a brief silence as they ate. "What about your purple boyfriend?"

"Shinsou is not my boyfriend!" Spinel squealed, her eyes wide and face turning bright red. "I haven't even had a full conversation with him. Or know anything about him."

Dabi scoffed "You mean you haven't found and stalked him yet?" He teased enjoying himself, but I'm not just going to give my baby sister to some random ass punk. He'll have to go through me first.


Somewhere out there on the way to collect his mail Shinsou sneezed and felt chills down his back. I'm not getting sick, am I?


Spinel stared at the letter on the table.

"Munchkin. It's been five minutes. Just open it." Dabi sighed exasperated. Spinel stood up and attempted to walk to her room before being blocked by Dabi. "Where do you think you are going?"

"I just realized that u-uh I need to um. I need to tidy up my room! Yeah that."

"You already did that" he deadpanned.

Spinel whined "But Firecrackerrrrrrr, I'm just so nervous. Like, what if I failed?"

Dabi rolled his eyes and coaxed Spinel back on the couch. "You didn't fail. Besides, if you fail what do you have to lose?"

Spinel opened her mouth to answer then closed it unable to refute. He was right. She didn't really have anything to lose. If she failed what did it matter? She had income thanks to Giran's jobs, her new family, and a place to live.

With renewed confidence Spinel picked up the letter and tapped the space beside her for Dabi to sit. She opened the letter anxiously. It was a...disk? She took it out of the letter and looked at Dabi who just shrugged. Spinel placed it down on the table in hopes that something would happen.

"I AM HERE! AS A PROJECTION!" A holographic All Might boomed proudly causing the two of them to jump.

Oh, goody it's All Might. Spinel thought sarcastically.

"Young Rosenthal, you just managed to scrape through the written test to pull out a passing score!"

Dabi gave her a pointed look and she chuckled nervously.

The projection continued, "Now moving on to the results of your practical test. Have a look at this!" A green scoreboard showed up showing the top ten people. "As you can see you made it into the top ten applicants!"

She looked at her name on the bottom sitting with the number ten next to it.

10: Rosenthal, Spinel - 56 Points (46 Villain points. 10 Rescue points)

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now