Taekook: Flu

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(A/N I will tell you if there is littlespace or trigger warnings and stuff like that included in each story. There isn't any here.)

⚠Vomit, wetting accident included

Taehyung woke up with a very bad headache. His stomach was churning and everything around him was spinning. He whimpered and whined for his roommate Hoseok to response. And quick enough, Hoseok woke up with a groan, wondering why the younger was unhappy.

"What's wrong, Taehyung?" asked Hoseok. Taehyung replied, "I don't feel very well. I'm dizzy and-" he broke off as he was cut off by a long stream of vomit he managed to chuck up in a little trash can near him.

Hoseok sighed. He absolutely didn't want to deal with a sick member as they had a busy schedule today ahead of them, and Bang PD nim would sure get mad at them if they continued to be 'lazy', as he said. Although Bang PD nim could be very caring, he could also be grumpy at times.

Meanwhile, Jungkook also woke up with the same symptoms. He couldn't ask for nearby help as he had his own room. Besides, he thought that it was just a bit of stress and would pass if he slept a little more.

Just as he closed his eyes, Seokjin came barging in, shouting, "Jungkook, it's time to wake up! Breakfast is ready!" Then Hoseok came carrying a pale Taehyung, who had just experienced something he hated, puking.

"Taehyung!" gasped Seokjin, seeing Taehyung so pale, he turned his attention to the second youngest. "He threw up this morning," explained Hoseok. Thinking of puking made Jungkook's stomach bubble even more, but when Taehyung was already sick, what could he do but to give attention to his youngest hyung?

Seokjin gave Taehyung a piggyback ride downstairs, which the second youngest enjoyed and chuckled slightly. Hoseok lifted up Jungkook's covers, and the maknae stepped out of bed unwillingly.

BTS finished their breakfast quickly, and Bang PD nim decided to give them a week off due to Taehyung being sick.

Jungkook finished his pancakes in a hurry. He needed to puke, but he wasn't sure at all. He hurried to the bathroom, and soon enough he threw up his breakfast in the toilet. Now, he was so sure he was sick, and he decided to inform his hyungs about it.

"Hyungs," said Jungkook, as he entered Taehyung's room, seeing everyone cuddle Taehyung. "I think I'm-"

Taehyung gagged and retched into a bucket. Seokjin immediately went into hyung-mode and rubbed Taehyung's stomach soothingly. Seeing this made Jungkook's stomach churn too.

"Now," said Hoseok. "Jungkook, what was that you wanted to tell us?" Jungkook tried his best not to throw up in front of his hyungs and replied weakly, "I think I'm sick too."

Namjoon and Seokjin laughed. "I don't think so, Jungkook. If anyone else besides Taehyung should be sick, then it's Hobi. He shares a room with Tae. I think you're just a little bit jealous, hm?" chuckled Namjoon.

"But I really am!" protested Jungkook, tears forming in his eyes. Jimin simply waved Jungkook  off and motioned for him to leave.

Jungkook ran to his room and couldn't hold back his tears anymore. He sobbed into his bed, and he felt himself getting hotter and hotter, due to his fever. Suddenly , Jimin crashed into the room complaining, "Can you be quiet for once, Jungkook?"

Jungkook looked up. Jimin glared at him and snapped, "Are you not able to stand not having attention once?"

"Hyung, I-" began Jungkook, but Jimin interrupted, "Stop making excuses, please. I need to go take care of Taehyung now." And with that, Jimin left.

Jungkook cried more, and he decided to play Overwatch in the living room to soothe his nausea. He found the others outside with Taehyung too, cuddling again.

"So you've finally decided to stop being bratty now?" scoffed Yoongi. Jungkook just sat in front of the TV, setting up his video game when Namjoon shouted, "I thought you were coming out to stay with Taehyung, or something like that. But no, all you care is your stupid video games!"

Jungkook burst out crying, but the others just wouldn't budge. He ran back upstairs, bawling again. Then, he realized he forgot about his phone and ran downstairs to retrieve it.

His hyungs were glaring at him when he returned. All that running suddenly sent him a wave of nausea and he puked right on the living room floor, and being so weak from his sickness, he fell down to the floor and started sobbing.

Everyone else stared in shock. They hadn't expected for Jungkook to really be sick. They all thought he was simply jealous.

Jungkook couldn't control himself as he was feeling extremely unwell and a warm wet feeling spread over his pants, forming a big wet patch. He panicked. Why was he peeing himself like a little baby? Why, why, why? He continued to sob.

Seokjin was the first to react. He commanded, "Hoseok, please clean this up. Me and Yoongi will assist Jungkook. And... uh... Jimin, please set up a nice and comfy bed for Kookie to sleep in. Namjoon, please stay with Taehyung." And they all set to work.

Namjoon, whose job was to simply stay with Taehyung, felt very guilty. "If only we listened to Kookie," he muttered to himself over and over again. He imagined how Jungkook felt when he was only responded with glares and snapping.

During this process, Taehyung had fell asleep, and Namjoon decided to carry him back to his room.

"I'm sorry, Kookie," whispered Seokjin and Yoongi to Jungkook. Jungkook smiled weakly and replied, "No problem, hyungs. Taehyung hyung was also sick, and you were only worried about him." (A/N It feels weird to call V 'hyung' because his name includes the word 'hyung' lol)

Seokjin nodded in response. They set up a nice, warm, and cozy bath for the maknae and the two oldest washed him up in silence. Jungkook didn't even blush as he would've. He was just too tired to care.

Jungkook was carried in bridal style by Seokjin (who used up a lot of energy to do so) into Jungkook's room, and they found Jimin and Hoseok there.

"Jungkookie, I'm so sorry!" blurted Jimin and Hoseok at the same time. Jungkook mumbled a 'no problem' and fell asleep almost immediately. Seokjin placed him in his bed and woke him up to take his temperature.

"38.9," announced Seokjin. The others looked at Jungkook worriedly, and the maknae fell asleep again. "I'm making some soup for him," said Seokjin.

"I can help," offered Namjoon, who had just placed Taehyung to bed. "No!" Seokjin almost shouted, and instantly covered his mouth, fearing that Jungkook would wake up because of the noise, but fortunately, he didn't. "No," repeated Seokjin softly. "Not if you are the God of Destruction."

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