BTS: Down with Sickness (Part 2)

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Seokjin almost gagged and threw up himself when he began changing Jungkook's diaper.

The smell was unbearable and horrible. Moreover, Jungkook was kicking his legs while being changed. While slipping into a headspace of around eight months old. The fussy baby wasn't having it. His stomach was cramping up, and nausea camped at the back of his throat.

Seokjin was relieved when the diaper change came to an end. Not to mention, however, his very own hands smelled exactly like the dirty diaper. And he was currently trying to wash it off with soap for the fourth time.

"Jin hyung!" shouted Yoongi from the other room. "Jimin's temperature is 38.8!"

Shoot. That wasn't very nice.

"And, Jimin needs a diaper change! I need to help Hobi throw up and stuff like that, so uh... you do it!" And with that, Yoongi ran off.

Seokjin groaned. Another of those diaper changes wasn't going to improve the smell of his hands. It was only going to worsen it.

"Dada!" shrieked Taehyung. "I needa thwow up and so does Kookie, I fink!"

No way. No way he was going to do all of this.

"Kookie thwowed up and now I'm-" Taehyung's sentence was interrupted by a gag and retching sounds.

"Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi, get all of your butts down here! I need you to help me with something!"


"Ugh," groaned Namjoon, inspecting his hands, making sure there weren't any poop or vomit on them. "Ugh," mimicked Yoongi.

"Let's try to get some food in their tummies, hm?" suggested Seokjin. The other two just shrugged, so Seokjin decided to prepare Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung some porridge, while Jungkook would have a bottle of warm milk.

Soon, the caregivers finished preparing the food.

"Babies," cooed Seokjin, holding a tray of three bowls filled with porridge, and Namjoon had a warm bottle of milk in his hands for Jungkook.

"Jinnie hyungie?" mumbled Taehyung, smelling food. He widened his eyes when he saw his porridge, "Wanna eat!" Yoongi chuckled, taking a bowl of porridge. He sat next to Taehyung and fed the younger his porridge. Taehyung gobbled every single bite of it, and Yoongi handed him an emesis basin, just in case.

"No need," said Taehyung, shaking his head. Well, that was a good sign. He didn't really find himself nauseous anymore.

However... there were still three littles who weren't able to digest their food probably.

Namjoon winced at another retching sound and sighed at the sight of Jimin's teary eyes. "Dada," he whined. "Let me check your temperature, Jiminie."

It got worse. 39.1 wasn't a good sign. Seokjin shouted as he wiped up the puke from Jungkook's mouth, "Updated temperatures! Jungkook's 39.5, Taehyung's 37.6, and Hoseok's is 38!" Namjoon shouted back Jimin's temperature just as Yoongi entered.

"Got some medicine," he said as he handed a bottle and a syringe to Namjoon. Then he walked to the other room to repeat this action.

~Two days later~

Less diarrhea. Less vomit. Lower temperature. Littles stayed littles.

Jimin danced happily around the table. He didn't have a fever anymore and that meant that he didn't need to drink that icky medicine he hated.

His brothers were also getting better. Nobody had a fever anymore, and diapers filled with diarrhea were rare, not to mention that the emesis basins were thrown into the bin because nobody really wanted to wash them, so they had to buy new ones for the future.

"God," remarked Seokjin to Namjoon. "That medicine really worked." Namjoon nodded, agreeing.

Not long after...

"Achoo!" a loud sneeze was heard from Yoongi's room, followed by a few harsh coughs, and a gag with a retch, but everyone except Yoongi were in the living room, so...

Seokjin sighed, "Here we go again!"

Hi y'all! This chapter was kinda short and I have to admit, it doesn't have a really nice ending, but I've tried my best here. Tell me if you want Part 3, because Yoongi is obviously sick. But maybe it'll just go again about taking care of Yoongi, so idk if you want it. Thank you :)

Stay safe,


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