Hoseok: Motion Sickness

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Riding any type of vehicle was never fun for Hoseok. His stomach always churned and grumbled, and it always ended up with puke in a plastic bag, or worse, even with his sickness medicine which only helped to make the situation a little better.

And today, the seven of them were going on their world tour by airplane, one of Hoseok's least favorite transportation. Out of all the types of transportations, airplanes made him feel the least comfortable, especially because of the turbulence that would be experienced during the flight.

"Hobi, did you remember to bring your sickness medicine?" reminded Seokjin as he packed his own things. "Oh, not yet, I'll go get it now. Thanks, hyung," replied Hoseok, who ran upstairs to his room to find an empty medicine bottle on his bed. "Damn it," he muttered to himself. No sickness medicine meant that it wouldn't be such a fun trip after all. It meant that he would spend the time throwing up in the toilet or a plastic bag.

"Everyone, I'm out of medicine," announced Hoseok grimly as he walked downstairs.


Seokjin chuckled at Jungkook's antics, but the maknae wasn't completely incorrect. The maknae liners soon came downstairs carrying a few bags of plastic bags and handed them to Hoseok. Hoseok rolled his eyes, saying, "I won't be that sick."

But how he was proven wrong.


Hoseok's stomach twisted into knots as they boarded the airplane. He glanced nervously at the huge bags of plastic bags the maknae had insisted him to bring. Although they were on a private plane, Hoseok decided that it would be embarrassing if he puked on himself, which was very possible.

As expected, the maknae liners sat together, while Namjoon sat with sleepy Yoongi. Seokjin wanted to sit with Hoseok, because the younger would probably need someone to assist him if he vomited in the plane, which would most likely happen.

The plane set off, and Hoseok's stomach started churning badly, doing flips each second, which made Hoseok feel so unwell that he simply wanted to curl up into a ball and cry his eyes out. It would definitely be better if he took his medicine, but currently, there wasn't any for him as he was out of them.

He tapped Seokjin on the shoulder, and the oldest turned towards at Hoseok, who was clearly pale and green in the gills and was about to throw up. Sighing, Seokjin handed a plastic bag to the younger, who grabbed it quickly with his trembling hands.

Hoseok felt extremely dizzy. Everything around him felt as if they were spinning. He shivered as he let out the contents of his stomach into the plastic bag. Seokjin rubbed Hoseok's stomach soothingly, whispering comfort words as the eldest used his other hand to pat the younger one's shoulder reassuringly. "Let it out, Hobi. You're doing great."

He spit out mouthfuls of stomach acid into the bag, mumbling, "I don't feel good, hyung," he whined, distressed and uncomfortable. Seokjin kissed him on the temple and cooed at the younger. "I'm sure that you'll feel better soon, hm?" Hoseok nodded weakly. "I think I'm done, hyung."

Hoseok soon fell asleep on Seokjin's lap, and the oldest cooed at how adorable he looked. Twenty minutes later, the plane started shaking because of turbulence, as the captain announced. Hoseok awoke from the shaking, but Seokjin didn't know. His stomach was twisting and turning as he reached for a plastic bag, but it was already too late.

Hoseok threw up on Seokjin's lap, and the oldest reacted immediately. He cleaned Hoseok up and helped him to change out of his dirty clothes. Seokjin changed his own shirt quickly, and when he returned, Hoseok was vomiting again in a plastic bag. The eldest sighed, pitying the younger dancer.

"I hate this so much, hyung. I feel so bad," wailed Hoseok, who couldn't resist the tears sliding down his eyes. Seokjin hugged him tightly, whispering, "It'll be over soon, I promise." Seokjin wiped the younger's tears and brushed his bangs softly.

They soon arrived at the airport, allowing Hoseok to sigh in relief. "That was quite a rough trip," he said, pouting slightly. "Aish, it's okay," Yoongi said reassuringly. "Just remember to bring your medicine next time. After all, it's nothing major anyways. Or maybe we could find your doctor to give you some new medicines."

"Nevertheless, this was a horrible trip," grumbled Hoseok as he dragged his tired feet, catching up with the rest of the members, who were chatting with each other about the coming days. "Just hope it'll get better."

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