Seokjin: Technical Issues

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Requested by @Lily__Rose :)






"Hyung, how's practice going?"

Seokjin looked upwards to find Taehyung walking over towards him, beaming. "Great," replied the eldest, grinning in response. Today was the last part of their concert, Bangtan therefore was practicing with extra effort to perform well in front of all their fans, hoping not to disappoint anyone.

"The others want to do a quick group rundown nearby," the second youngest gestured towards the rest of the members. "And the staff want to film it with some camera drone thing." Seokjin raised a brow. "What camera drone?" He asked curiously. "Oh, it's new technology, I suppose. I've never seen it before, but they got it just for this concert," replied Taehyung.

"Oh, alright," Seokjin agreed, following Taehyung towards where the others were. Hoseok was pointing at the camera drone excitedly. It was floating above all their heads so that it could film a good view of all seven of them. "So, everybody," one of the staff members called towards them, averting attention from everyone. "We're going to film you with this for a couple of times, and maybe in the real concert we'll also use it. We can see clearly if you've got anything you could improve or something."

"Sure," Jimin beamed. "Now let's get started," announced the staff member, who was in charge of controlling the camera drone. And so they began.

As they were dancing, Seokjin couldn't help but glance up at the camera drone constantly. He was feeling extremely nervous about it. Not to mention, he had read a lot of news reports regarding to people getting injured by these type of things before, which made him sweat slightly in fear. However, he told himself to be professional and keep calm -- after all, he trusted the staff very much. He was pretty sure that there wouldn't be any accidents or injuries.

After the song ended, Seokjin felt relieved, but he knew that there were more songs to come. At some point, during one of their breaks, Seokjin caught some staff crowding around the drone, inspecting it, however he didn't pay much attention to it and let it slide.

Their final rehearsal was finally coming to an end. Just when they were dancing to the last song, suddenly, halfway through, the camera drone made a weird buzzing sound. Seokjin found himself staring at it, concerned that it would fall. After a couple of seconds, it even started making whirling sounds, concerning the eldest even more.

As the drone flew over towards Jungkook, it started to fall. Then everything happened in an instant: Seokjin, reacting the quickest, jumped to the maknae's rescue and pushed the youngest away. As a result, unfortunately, the camera drone landed on him.

"Seokjin hyung!" Namjoon cried as the music stopped blaring from the speakers, contemplating the horrifying scene in front of him: the camera drone was still making some weird noises. At closer look, blood was slowly seeping out of Seokjin's forehead. He seemed to be conscious, but tears were streaming down his cheeks. The rest of Bangtan noticed this. Some of them even screamed in fear. Coughing slightly, the eldest whimpered and curled up into a ball. He shivered slightly, his vision being blurred...

As Seokjin's consciousness began fading, he heard some of the staff members talking. "...I've called the ambulance, hopefully he's fine. I... battery problem... some technical issues..." Though he couldn't hear much, he was pretty sure what happened. A migraine was slowly developing, and he felt the sudden lack of oxygen. He saw his members direct their attention towards him, crying and shrieking about something...

"Seokjin hyung... you're wheezing," sighed Yoongi. "But we've called the ambulance already. They're coming, so hyung, please stay awake for us." He paused for a moment then continued. "The medical staff will arrive soon. From what we see, you might need the hospital, though I'm not too sure." Seokjin tried his best to managed a weak nod. "Y-yoongi-ah," he mumbled, his bottom lip trembling. "Can I still perform though? It's the last show and I don't want to mess it up for everyone-"

"Shh, hyung," cooed Yoongi, understanding the eldest's discomfort and worry. "It's alright even if you can't. Look at you, Jin hyung, your forehead's bleeding." The second oldest let out a heavy sigh. "C'mon, don't worry so much. I see that you're not getting the normal amount of oxygen." Seokjin simply nodded exhaustedly in response. "Was there a battery problem?" He croaked hoarsely. "Yeah," admitted Yoongi. "They didn't charge it fully, and one of the important things inside the drone broke down, making it fall." After a while of awkward silence, Yoongi spoke. "Hyung, I'm sorry," he sighed. "I know you wanted to perform and all, but I'm afraid that wouldn't be possible. I'm terribly sorry, Jin hyung."

Choking back a sob, Seokjin let a second round of tears slide down his cheeks. "I-I really wanted to perform in front of ARMY, I wanted to make everyone proud!" He wailed as the rest of the members crowded around him. Currently lying down, he tried to sit up but in vain. "I-I saw those Twitter comments, saying that I'm the worst dancer, can't sing, look disgusting..."

"Hyung, you've done so well already," sniffled Jimin, getting slightly emotional. "It's okay. ARMY will understand," he looked away with a sigh. "True ARMYs will understand." Turning back towards Seokjin, Jimin forced a smile and tried his best to make his smile reassuring and comforting. But Seokjin knew that the smile was fake, that it was forced. He wanted to cry out loud so bad. After all those days of practice, this slight incident was going to affect everything. How he hated it. Why did it have to happen?

Before he knew it, black dots blurred his vision just before the second he blacked out.

"Jin hyung!"


"Jin hyung?"

"Hm?" Seokjin mumbled groggily. "Oh, thanks heaven you're awake! The doctor said that you've got a concussion, but you'll be fine soon, and even though you can't perform for now, we postponed the concert so that you could join us too, and-" Jungkook began babbling. "Alright, I think hyung's got it," Namjoon chuckled. "But basically, you're alright, and as Jungkookie has said, you've got a concussion. The doctor said that you can rest here in the hospital for a couple of days, then you'll be perfectly fine and will be able to perform in front of all those ARMYs."

"Thousands and millions of them," beamed Taehyung, already excited at the thought. "And we've already told them through Twitter. Sure, they're all pretty worried, but we promised them that you're still in perfect condition," added Hoseok.

"Then if everything is fine, I guess..." Seokjin said, "I'm as right as rain now."

For once since the previous incident, Kim Seokjin smiled. He smiled widely so that everyone could see his teeth and how happy he was.

Hey there, a long author's note coming up:

So now, requests are OFFICIALLY CLOSED and will never be opened again. Since sometime ago, I have found myself lacking motivation to continue this book, though I have promised you guys to do your requests, so now the only ones that I will do are the ones that are in the book. Those are the ONLY ones that I will finish before this book officially ends. Besides, I will have multiple quizzes and exams in the coming months. I'll try my best to keep up with updating, thank you so much for supporting me all along!

As for a surprise I promised y'all during some previous chapter, I'm working on it! When this book ends, I'll try to present you with it, that is, if I have finished it already <3

Edit of 12/10:

The following are my hiatus times (due to exams and quizzes):

1) 23,24/10

2) 20,21,27,28/11

3) 4,5,11,12/12

Hope y'all understand and don't mind <3

Stay safe~

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