Jimin: Toothache

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Requested by jimintoothbrush :)

Warning: Littlespace (normalized), they are not idols

Little: Jimin (1-3)

Caregiver: Seokjin

Side: Little Jungkook + Caregiver Namjoon

"Good morning baby," Seokjin's sweet voice echoed through the rooms of their house. "Mownin' appa," giggled Jimin. "Hello," chuckled Seokjin, "how old is my baby feeling today?" Jimin pretended to think for a moment, putting his hand under his chin. "Two!" was the reply as Jimin held out two small fingers.

"Good job baby, what a big boy I have here," cooed Seokjin although he was secretly worrying. Little Jimin, of whatever age, hated dentists. Today, Seokjin was about to take Jimin on a dentist appointment. A younger age always made things ten times harder. The last time Jimin went as a three-year-old, he threw a tantrum on the floor and almost bit the dentist. Fortunately, the dentist didn't mind too much.

Yes, if Jimin was happy, he was an angel, but not when he was unhappy. The second thing Seokjin was worrying was that Jimin had been eating way too much sweet things. The little had a sweet tooth, and Seokjin was afraid if he would have any cavities. However, now was not the time to worry. Now was the time to inform his baby.

"Jiminie-ah," began Seokjin, "do you want to be a big boy for appa?" Jimin immediately nodded his head as a 'yes'. "If appa takes you to the dentist, then-" Before Seokjin finished his sentence, Jimin widened his eyes and he started crying. "No! No dentish!"

"Listen to me, Jimin, you do not throw a tantrum like that!" Seokjin raised his voice, letting out a warning. "But appa, no!" he sniffled. "Pwease..." Seokjin sighed. "I'm sorry, baby, but it's important to check if you have any dirties in your teethies."

"No dirties," said Jimin with a confused look. "Please cooperate, baby, and the doctor will check your teethies, that's final." Jimin sulked as he climbed out of bed and walked towards the living room for breakfast.

He hated it when appa was angry, especially at him.


"Okay, so Park Jimin... oh, he's a little, right?" exclaimed the nurse at the reception. "Yes, age range 1-3 please," chuckled Seokjin. "Alright, we'll have to find a littlespace dentist for you, then," smiled the nurse. "Please wait in the waiting room."

Seokjin and Jimin walked into the waiting room, where there were more littles than they expected. There were littles of different age ranges. Seokjin pulled Jimin close and whispered, "Baby, you need to be brave later and tell the doctor truthfully if any teethies hurt. Please don't cry or throw a tantrum." Jimin nodded solemnly, but he wasn't quite sure if he could.

Suddenly, a man carrying a little who was sobbing walked out of a room. The man was trying to comfort his distressed little. "Please, Jungkookie, stop crying baby," the man was saying. "He's cwyin'" Jimin pointed out. "Yes," replied Seokjin, "that's because he's a lot younger than you, so you'll have to be a big boy."

The man, carrying the little, sat down next to Seokjin. "Why he cwyin'?" Jimin asked the man curiously. "That's because he's scared," smiled the man. "I'm Namjoon, this is my one-year-old little Jungkook." Seokjin grinned. "I'm Seokjin, this is Jimin. Jimin, can you say hi?"

"Hihi," giggled Jimin. "Park Jimin and his caregiver, please go to room 102 to find dentist Min, thank you," the speakers started blaring. "Oh, that's us," Seokjin said, "so goodbye!" He and Jimin rushed towards the room.

As they walked into room 102, Seokjin gasped. "Yoongi? I never thought that you worked here as a littlespace dentist!" Yoongi was his best friend in college, but they hadn't seen each other for a while now. "Seokjin hyung," greeted dentist Min, or also Yoongi, "and this must be little Jimin."

"Appa no wanna," whispered Jimin, getting afraid. "It's gonna be okay, Jiminie," Yoongi reassured, "it's okay to be scared." Jimin sniffled and hid his face in Seokjin's chest. "Alright, now it's time to check your teethies, Jiminie," Yoongi announced. Jimin whimpered as he was sat down. Yoongi started checking Jimin's teeth, frowning at some times. "He's got... two cavities," said Yoongi after ten minutes. "That's not very healthy."

"Two cavities?" Seokjin panicked. "Yes, two," confirmed Yoongi. At the same time, Jimin was starting to get tired and irritated. "We'll have to take them out now. Fortunately, he's not really a kid," joked Yoongi.

"No take!" Jimin's face crumpled suddenly and he wailed. "No take my teefies!" he continued crying his eyes out. "Jimin, don't throw a tantrum!" Seokjin cried. Jimin continued bawling and suddenly, he found a stuffie in his hand.

"His name is Mr. Brave, Jiminie," whispered Yoongi soothingly, trying to calm the little down. "He always helps me tend to my patients when they are sad. Do you want him while we take your teethies out? He's going to make you the bravest and biggest boy!" Jimin nodded slowly, sniffling and wiping his tears.

"'m sowwy," he mumbled, "ish otay to take my teefies out if t'ey have dirties, wight?" Yoongi said, "Of course it's alright. Mr. Brave says it's okay, right?" Jimin giggled. The rest of the procedure was smoothly completed.

When Jimin and Seokjin were about to leave, Yoongi rummaged through his drawers and fished out a 'The Biggest and Bravest Boy Award' plastic trophy, giving it to Jimin. However, that was already enough to let Jimin know that he had been a very brave boy indeed.

"I'm so proud of you, biggest and bravest boy Jiminie," said Seokjin.

Jimin didn't reply, but he held out his plastic trophy happily, glad that it was all over.

You guys mind if I slow down the requests and update a little slower? I have another book I want to finish, but the requests are kinda using up my time...

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