Jimin: Claustrophobia

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Jimin was freaking out for some reason he wasn't quite sure of. Jungkook had handed him a tight-necked shirt to try on. That was the reason. He was never scared of them, not any types of clothing either. Besides, when they took the elevator to the ground floor, Jimin was sweating badly.

"I don't want to!" he screamed at Jungkook. The maknae was shocked at his hyung's behavior. What had happened? Did he do something wrong? The others were also thinking about the same thing. 

Jimin turned red when he saw everyone staring at him. "Are you okay, Chim?" asked Taehyung worriedly. Jimin shrugged. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry Kook," he said, turning the maknae who was about to break down in tears.

Jungkook's pov (A/N I've never written these before so I'll try my best):

I'm scared. Jiminie hyungie can get really terrifying when he is angry. I'm about to cry and I think the others notice that, so Hobi hyungie puts his arm around me. After all, I'm only eighteen and I'm two years younger than Jimin.

Everyone knows that there's something wrong with him. He's never shouted at me like that before or to anyone else, except when we're just fooling around. He cares a lot about me, so we're sure that something's up.

Tae hyungie asks if anything's wrong but Jimin replies 'no'. He's hiding something, but I don't want to talk to him anymore because I'm afraid I'll really cry here. He pushes away the tight-necked shirt away from me. I wince and put it back on the clothes rack.

We give each other looks as Jimin walks away, saying that he needs the bathroom. Hoseok gave me a hug and now I feel a lot better. I'm worried about Jiminie now. Now that I think about it, Jiminie hyungie was trembling in the elevator. I just thought he was cold and said nothing about it, but it could be something related to his odd behavior. I point this out to my other hyungies. However, they don't say anything. Only Joonie and Jinnie hyungie are whispering about something that me and the others don't know.

Jimin returns and Joonie hyungie handed him a normal-necked T-shirt. Jimin mumbled a 'thanks' and bought it immediately. When Seokjin handed him the tight-necked shirt, he flinched a little and refused to take it. Seokjin and Namjoon both raise their eyebrows.

Something is obviously up.

End of pov


Jimin's pov:

We're filming a reality show and we're in a windowless room. This is one of the situations where I used to feel was normal, but now I freak out to. I feel so sorry for Jungkook yesterday. I got a little too... odd. I was actually yelling at him. I remember how he stared at me with teary eyes. I also remember how the tight-necked shirt seemed like a nightmare to me.

I don't want the others to worry, but I'm worrying myself. Yesterday, when I was walking in the crowded mall with the others, I was also shuddering a little. Feeling a bit scared, perhaps.

I'm like an enemy to the others now, especially Jungkook. He hides away whenever he sees me. Now, however, I focus on not fainting in the room. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm sure I'll be able to get over it.

End of pov


"Action!" shouted the director as the shoot begun. Jimin bit his lip as he walked into the windowless room. He was getting dizzy and was walking slowly. He frantically looked around. Of course, a windowless room. He was getting scared again.

"I-I..." mumbled Jimin before he passed out right on the floor. Everyone gasped and stopped filming. The medics came, and Jimin's pulse and heartbeat was normal. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

He shrieked at the sight that he was still in the room and tears rolled down his cheeks. "What's happening, Jimin?" asked Yoongi with a worried look on his face.

"It's scary here!" he blurted out. The others moved him outside immediately and let Jimin explain everything. After he finished, Hoseok said, "I think he needs the doctor to diagnosis him."


"Claustrophobia is the fear of confined spaces. It can be triggered by many situations especially when crowded to capacity, windowless rooms, and hotel rooms with closed doors and sealed windows. Even bedrooms with a lock on the outside, small cars, and tight-necked clothing can induce a response in those with claustrophobia." said the doctor.

"Thanks a lot," smiled Jimin. He had been given some medicine and was not that scared of elevators. His bandmates were also helping a lot.

After leaving the hospital, Jimin seemed to be a lot more cheerful.

"I'm sorry Kookie for that day," apologized Jimin. The others were getting closer to him after realizing that he had claustrophobia, "and thanks guys for supporting me."

Everyone got teary and got into a big group hug when they returned to the dorm. Jimin grinned. "I have the best bandmates in the whole wide world."

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