Jungkook: Incontinence

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(A/N Don't worry, I promise he will recover😘)

⚠A lot of wetting accidents, sorry if you don't like that

Jeon Jungkook woke up, startled. He woke up in a wet bed, specifically. He panicked. After all, he'd never wet his bed, except when he was in diapers.

Jungkook was about to take his sheets to the wash secretly so no one would find out when Seokjin called that breakfast was ready and they had dance practice in half an hour. Jungkook was in a hurry, so he just covered his sheets up with his quilt and went to breakfast quickly after changing his pants. To prevent suspicion, Jungkook also changed his shirt.

"Hi Kook, nice sleep?" greeted Hoseok. Jungkook grinned and nodded. He tried to stay as cheerful as possible, hiding the fact that he literally wet the bed. "Hey Kookie, I left my hoodie in your room when we were playing Overwatch yesterday. I'll go get it," said Taehyung. Before Jungkook could stop him, the second youngest bounced up the stairs to Jungkook's room.

Jungkook bit his lip. He tried to make himself not worry too much. Perhaps Taehyung would find his hoodie somewhere that was not the bed, but if he couldn't find it, then he would probably look under the quilt...

Jungkook ran back upstairs, despite the others were prepared to eat.

"Kookie, are you okay?" asked Taehyung worriedly. "W-what," mumbled Jungkook. And now he was busted...?  "You look a bit pale in the face," continued Taehyung. Phew. His secret was safe... at least for now.


The bedwetting didn't stop. In fact, it got worse. Sometimes, Jungkook would leak and his underpants were always damp by the afternoon. He got scared and sometimes considered to tell the others, but he didn't want them to tease him.

It was till another morning, he forgot to change his sheets.

Jungkook stole another of Yoongi's hoodie (it's a daily thing for him), and Yoongi was trying to find it. At the same time, he was very urgent and was squirming around at the dining table at breakfast.

He started leaking, as usual. But it wasn't just any normal leaking. He was peeing like crazy.

"Kook, why was your bed wet- oh my gosh," gasped Yoongi as he walked into the dining room. It was like a waterfall under Jungkook's chair. The others looked under there. Their eyes were about to pop out.

Jungkook turned red and ran up to the bathroom while silently weeping. Meanwhile, downstairs, the others were discussing about what happened.

"Did he just wet himself?" asked Jimin unbelievably. "I think he also wet the bed," sighed Yoongi, putting two and two together, "his bed was wet and smelly when I went up to find my hoodie just now" Seokjin said while he cleaned the floor, "He must have some problems during the day and night."

"Aish, that boy. He never tells us when there's something wrong," remarked Namjoon. "Who's best friends with him? Go and talk to him." Taehyung's hand shot up. "Me, I can go." The others agreed eventually.

"Kook?" said Taehyung, knocking on the youngest's door. Jungkook sniffled, "Go away." Taehyung whispered, "We aren't mad at you, we just want to know what's going on. Please come out."

The door knob clicked. Out came Jungkook with teary eyes, and when he saw Taehyung staring at the wet patch on his pants, he burst into tears. "I-I'm just a stupid person who... wets himself," he wailed.

Taehyung gave him a hug. "You aren't stupid. It's not your fault. We just want to know what's happening, okay? We love you forever, golden maknae."

Jungkook nodded, and mumbled that he needed to change. When he came out, he whispered, "I don't wanna go down t-to see the others."

"Oh Kookie, c'mon. You promised me. We will find out what's going on."


Bangtan was waiting nervously outside the hospital room. They had successfully persuaded Jungkook to take a test to see the problem, and currently they were waiting for the results.

Doctor Park came out with some papers. He smiled at them, which made Bangtan relieved. "Ah, Mr. Jeon, the problem is just a little bladder infection. I have prescribed some medicine which can cure it, and after about two weeks, you should recover. Do contact me if something goes wrong." Then he left.

"Hey Kookie," whispered Hoseok, "do you need a change?"

Jungkook blushed and nodded. Before they had seen the doctor, they put Jungkook in diapers so if he had an accident, it wouldn't make a mess. Jungkook just couldn't figure out how to use the tapes properly, so his hyungs helped to change him.

"Jungkook needs a change," announced Hoseok, only loud enough for the members to hear, "I'm changing him."

"Thanks Hobi hyungie."


~Two weeks later~

"YASSSSSSS!" shouted Jungkook excitedly. They had 're-potty trained' Jungkook, and after the medicine he was all better.

"Out. Of. Diapers!" he screamed, running around the house.

 Diapers!" he screamed, running around the house

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"You looked cute in them," chuckled Seokjin.

"Did I?"

"Of course you did, golden maknae."

Hiya! I've been writing weird and dumb endings lately, but these are so sweet! Any requests?

Stay safe,


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