OT7: Motion Sickness

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(A/N Oh yes I know I've did this one before, but an OT7 one wouldn't do any harm, right?)

⚠Vomit (lots of it)

Seokjin's POV:

I'm so pissed off. Yes, I'm really pissed off by the staff and our management crew.

How could they not forget that we were going on a rough bus trip, and that we have three members who are motion sick when they ride any type of vehicles? They did bring paper bags, but they only have about ten of them in the big bag. That is absolutely not enough. What if some of the members who aren't usually motion sick get sick too? After all, I know the trip's going to be rough.

We're about to get on the bus and take a seat. Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok, also nicknamed the motion sick line, have taken their sickness medicine. It never really improves the situation, to be honest. However, if they haven't had their medicine, perhaps things will be worse.

I lead the way and let the motion sick line sit in the very front. Me and Namjoon sit close to them, just a seat behind, so we can assist them when they throw up. Jungkook and Yoongi sit far behind. They are very sensitive to vomit, and I still remember the time when Jimin threw up near Jungkook, our youngest also vomited on himself. The same thing has happened to Yoongi before, too. I know that they don't mean to, they can't help it themselves either.

They literally vomit when they see people vomit, that's the problem.

I guess I can't blame the management crew then. They're used to prepare this many paper bags on usual trips, but this one is different. It's a long way there and we're going through mountains. Now I'm a little afraid that I will get sick too.

"I already feel nauseous," Taehyung mutters. I raise a brow at the statement, but he's right. The kind of weird bus smell chickens me out a bit. Jungkook and Yoongi lean on each other, desperately try and fall asleep and avoid the putrid puke smell later.

Jimin whimpers and snuggles into Taehyung, who snuggles into Hoseok, who has already fallen asleep. I hear the engines start and sigh. It's bound to be a nightmare.


I sigh at the sight of Hoseok waking up. He has the weakest stomach out of the three, so I grab two paper bags and soon, he starts to gag. I quickly give the paper bags to him and he retches into one of it.

He bites his lip and continues vomiting. The whole thing wakes Jimin and Taehyung up too, so me and Namjoon distribute paper bags. Just in time. Puke comes out of the 95 liners' mouth and into the paper bags.

I glance at Jungkook and Yoongi, who are leaning onto each other sleeping. I have to admit, it looks very cute, but we have to put more attention on Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok who are still throwing up.

"I think 'm done," mumbles Taehyung. I nod and take the heavy paper bag. I look down into it and it makes me gag, but fortunately I don't puke. I empty it in a giant trash can and throw away the paper bag.

Jungkook wakes up as the bus stops with a jolt. Taehyung's eyes widens as he lungs for another paper back and retch into it. Smelling it can make you nauseous, and the smell is everywhere. I know Jungkook will throw up, oh yes he will.

He swallows thickly and grimaces. He's almost in tears, but I'm pretty sure he wants to save the small amount of paper bags for the motion sick line. I sigh and give him a paper bag. He takes a deep breath as puke streams out of his mouth, and soon he's starting to wail.

The commotion wakes Yoongi up and so begins the routine. I look at the number of plastic bags. There's only one left. How is it supposed to hold all the puke in this trip? Yes, I know, it will surely be a nightmare.

End of POV

"Hyuuuung," Jungkook wailed as he released a fresh stream of vomit. "You're good, you're fine, Kook," Seokjin comforted the youngest. "Do we have another supply of plastic bags?" inquired Namjoon. Sejin shook his head sadly. "I never thought that almost all of you would throw up. It's still a long way to go, about three hours left."

Yoongi raised a brow and breathed shakily. "I'm done, Jin hyung," he said, "'m sorry I made a mess." Namjoon winced as bags of vomit were handed to him. "Can we dump this trash can first?" Seokjin trembled.

He closed his eyes, but it didn't help stop his nausea. He lunged for the large trash can and started puking in it. Namjoon had been holding in his nausea, too. He can't take it anymore. He grabbed the last plastic bag and threw up in it.

"Damn!" Sejin shouted. "Stop the bus somewhere and get more paper bags and dump the trash can! We can't continue on like this!"

When the bus stopped, Jungkook rushed towards the big trash can, threw up in it, and hurried out of the car. Everyone followed him outside. "The smell of the bus is enough to get me to puke my guts up," he whimpered. "We need two hundred plastic bags and seven large trash cans!" commanded Sejin. The staff nodded and sprang into action to buy the above items.

The staff came back with those items and they boarded the car once more. "Try to fall asleep, you five," suggested Namjoon, not feeling so nauseous anymore. "Jungkookie, come and sit with me, Yoongi, sit with Namjoon," ordered Seokjin and they swapped seats.


"D-don't like it!" Jungkook sobbed. It was an hour, and unfortunately none of them could fall asleep. Hoseok kept vomiting along the way and the 95 liners only stopped for a bit, which caused the disgusting smell to waft all over the bus. Jungkook and Yoongi were badly affected.

Surprisingly, Seokjin and Namjoon didn't vomit for the rest of the time.

The five others kept throwing up, but after they got off the bus, all was fine and normal.

"Jin hyungie, do you hate us for all this?" asked Taehyung.

"Nope, no matter what happens, I love my brothers all the same."

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