Yoonjin: Fever

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Yoongi woke up to the worst migraine ever he had experienced in his life. Unless you counted the time when he had appendicitis, but anyways, everything around him was spinning. He didn't know how he managed to stand up and stumble over to his only hyung's room.

"Jin hyung," he whined, tripping over and falling onto Seokjin's bed. The oldest was still asleep and rubbed his eyes slowly. "You never wake up so early, Yoongi, plus we have two days off, what's wrong?"

"Migraine," he whimpered as he snuggled up to Seokjin. Seokjin chuckled. Yoongi was always very clingy and liked to cuddle when he was sick. "Oh, you're burning up, Yoongi," Seokjin pointed out. "Wait a sec, I'm getting something," said Seokjin as he pushed Yoongi gently away and went outside.

Seokjin returned with a wet towel and a thermometer. "C'mon, Yoongles, I'm taking your temperature," cooed Seokjin, "38.1. You probably should lie down for a little, hm?" Yoongi sneezed in response. "Oh dear, that's a bad cold, isn't it?" Yoongi nodded slightly as he clung to Seokjin like a koala.

"Is dizzy," sniffled Yoongi, trying to make himself comfortable on Seokjin's bed. "Oh, and lemme grab something else," added Seokjin, leaving the room again. This time, the oldest came back with a Kumamon plushie and gave it to Yoongi. "There, Yoongi, feeling better with Kumamon?"

Yoongi didn't reply but looked up towards Seokjin who grinned. "I'm going to inform the others. Stay here and don't move, because I'm getting some warm soup for you." Before he could finish his sentence, Yoongi had already dozed off and was snoring slightly.

When Seokjin left, Yoongi started tossing and turning. The Kumamon plushie fell from his hands and onto the floor, he tried to reach for it with his arm, without getting down to pick it up. He leaned a little bit too far and fell down. He let out a pained yelp but couldn't manage to stand up as he was to weak to do so.

Seokjin came back soon, with some hot veggie soup. "Oh my gosh, Yoongi," snorted Seokjin, trying his best not to hurt the younger's feelings. "Laugh at me all you like, hyung," wailed Yoongi, still suffering from the embarrassment of falling off the bed.

"Oh no, no, no, Yoongles, hyung never meant to laugh at you. You're just too cute, hyung thinks," said Seokjin immediately, stroking Yoongi's hair. "How precious," he muttered under his breath which caused Yoongi to blush.

"My head still hurts," whimpered Yoongi. "Alright, you'll get better very soon," reassured Seokjin. Yoongi grumbled but he soon fell asleep after drinking Seokjin's soup immediately.

"Aish, our precious lil meow meow, why in the world did you have to fall sick right when we have a holiday, hm?"

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