Jungkook: Depression (Part 2)

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⚠Suicidal thoughts

Seokjin's POV:

Jungkook's stupid to think that we are stupid.

We aren't, and we all know there's something going on with him. He's depressed, he's stressed, he's tired...

He thinks he keeps it from us perfectly, but he doesn't.

To be exact, I know that we all feel the same. I mean, who doesn't feel like that after all those long and tiring concerts? Everyone does.

So does Jungkook.

Man, he was throwing up on himself yesterday. He was even too weak to stand up properly and was stumbling on the way.

And he looked sad.

It's late night, but I can't sleep, being worried about both the concerts and most importantly, our Jungkookie.

I get up to go to the toilet, but it's closed. I frown. It was opened before we slept and I was the last one to go and sleep. I was pretty sure someone was inside.

Someone who didn't lock the door.

I open it slowly, and...

Opening it reveals something... something that makes me let out a blood curdling scream.

End of POV

Yoongi's POV:

I hear a terrifying scream from... the bathroom? Someone must have accidentally tripped over their feet or something.

But I know for a fact that nobody would. In fact, it sounds like Jin hyung, and no, he wouldn't do that. He would just bite his lip and scream in his head.

However, if it was really him... why would he do that?

I get out of bed and tread slowly to the bathroom.

I widen my eyes at the shocking sight in front of me. Jin hyung is crying over Jungkook, who seems to be unconscious and is holding a knife which has blood on it. There's a lot of blood on his body, too.

I know what happened. Believe me, I did not believe the whole fact that Jungkook just tried to kill himself.

I'm not sure whether he's dead or not. "WHY DON'T YOU CALL THE AMBULANCE?" I screech as I reach for my phone and dial 119. I tell the people on the line everything while trying not to freak out.

I understand why Jungkookie feels like that, but I'm so sure that he doesn't have to attempt suicide. There're always better solutions, right? Like talking to us.

By now, everyone has crowded in and all of them are also scared. Speaking of which, I suddenly spot a note on the sink. My heart almost misses a beat.

It's from Jungkook.

End of POV

Taehyung's POV:

"Read it aloud, hyungie," I urge with tears falling down my eyes. I never thought that Jungkook would attempt suicide. We're all stressful, so why should he?

Yoongi hyung read everything aloud. Nobody said a thing, but I was so sure that they all felt the same as me.

Why would Jungkookie think something like this?

At the very moment, the ambulance crew came and lifted Jungkook onto a stretcher, put an oxygen mask and started doing CPR on him, and more of those procedures they do when somebody isn't breathing or is unconscious.

He's not breathing and he isn't conscious either.

It's silence.

I think he's dead, but who knows if a miracle might happen.

Who knows if he will really die and we will have to tell ARMY about it?

End of POV


"How's Jungkook?" Namjoon asked worriedly. "Mr. Jeon is fine, and the surgery was quite successful, but he's still unconscious," replied Nurse Kim. "You can go and see him now. We'll find a mental doctor to talk to him after he wakes up and is mentally stable."

"He wrote a note to us," said Jimin, handing the note to Nurse Kim. She raised a brow when she saw it. "Wow, apparently he's really depressed. I think you shouldn't confront him yet and ask a lot of questions. Just let him know what happened and let him calm down," Nurse Kim suggested. The others nodded.

They followed her into a private room, where Jungkook was sat up on his bed, staring blankly. "Oh Mr. Jeon, you're awake!" exclaimed Nurse Kim, giving Bangtan looks, which said 'remember what I said just now', and everyone nodded again.

"Jungkookie," sighed Seokjin. Jungkook's lips wobbled. "Why did you have to save me?" sobbed Jungkook. It was so sudden nobody knew what to do. The nurse backed away slowly and left, leaving Jungkook's six hyungs to deal with their dongsaeng.

"I should've died!" continued Jungkook. "I shouldn't have been rescued, WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME DIE?" "Shh, honey, calm down," whispered Hoseok, stroking the youngest's hair.

"I CAN'T CALM DOWN IF I CAN'T DIE!" screamed Jungkook, thrusting his hands into the air. "You don't attempt suicide to solve problems," said Namjoon softly. "I DON'T CARE!" wailed Jungkook. "NOBODY CARES!"

Everyone sighed. "Everyone cares," said Jimin. "ARMYs care, manager-nim cares, Bang PD-nim cares, your TXT dongsaengs care, and most importantly, we care." Jungkook looked up with teary eyes and irritated cheeks and looked down again. "I don't think so," mumbled Jungkook, calming down a little.

"Everyone was so worried about you. Manager-nim and Bang PD-nim are coming to visit you later," stated Hoseok, giving a kiss on the maknae's forehead. Jungkook whimpered as a fresh round of tears rolled down his cheeks again.

"Don't cry, baby," said Seokjin, wiping Jungkook's tears gently. "We love you, you know." Jungkook whined. "Nobody does, all they care is about the concerts," he sniffled. "Baby, it's okay to feel stressed. It's okay not to feel okay," reassured Jimin.

Jungkook looked up slowly. "Really?"

"Of course, honey."


A mental doctor did come, but Jungkook felt a lot better after his long talk with his hyungs already. He was ready to fight the stress, to smile, to overcome whatever would be in front of him, and most importantly of all...

To return to his normal playful self.

"Jungkook," groaned Seokjin, "did you put flour on our chairs again?" Jungkook hopped onto his chair. "Well, hyung, I don't see any on mine's."

"You little prankster," chuckled Yoongi as Taehyung and Jimin pretended to punch the youngest.

Jungkook giggled as he tackled Jimin and Taehyung easily.

He was feeling a lot better.


"I want to thank my hyungs for overcoming my stress and fears together with me," said Jungkook, wiping his happy tears, as ARMY from all around the world clapped their hands and watched in awe in their last concert of the world tour.

"Thank you so, so, so much for everything. I love you."

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