Jungkook: Ignored

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Requested by @Ligeniya :)






Everything was spinning so fast.

The thoughts in his head and the things around him, they all were. He didn't dare look up and face the angry faces of the manager and his members. His body was trembling, his sweaty fists were clenched up into balls. Several minor wounds scattered over his forearms, representing one of the things that the car accident had left him with.

Those were not the only things, however. The attitude of his members was what he feared most. Currently, he was facing them. He wanted to bow down and apologize, but at the same time, he didn't want to do so. It felt so stupid, so uncomfortable. He just wanted to get over the whole thing quickly, but he also knew that life was never this simple and easy.

Jungkook gulped when he felt Namjoon tower over him. The leader had always made him feel small under his gaze, especially when the older one was furious. Tears sprang to his eyes as he bit his lip. There they were, his emotions, playing with him and appearing just when he didn't want them to. He kicked himself inside and inhaled deeply.

The maknae's cheeks were burning hot and red. He hated this, when he was about to receive a scolding. This time, however, it was probably a lot more serious. He just wanted to know why everyone had to make him so uncomfortable and tired. He was already exhausted, having returned from the hospital just ten minutes ago, and now the manager had arranged all of them for a 'talk', which turned out to be this.

Jungkook felt so frustrated. He didn't mean to get into a car accident, after all. Sure, he was the one who crashed his car against another car, but there weren't any severe injuries anyways, so he didn't see the need to make everyone surround him and stress him out.

"So, Jungkook, what do you have to say?" Namjoon broke the awkward and uncomfortable silence between them. Jungkook looked down at his feet, frowning and pouting as he played with his trembling hands, saying nothing. "Jungkook-ah, at least you have to say something," Hoseok sighed softly.

"What?" The youngest slowly lifted his head upwards. "C'mon, please don't keep us waiting," huffed Yoongi impatiently. "What do I have to say, then?" Jungkook crossed his arms. "At least apologize, would you?" Jimin raised a brow. "We were worried to death just now when you didn't come back for a long time, and also when manager-nim called us about it."

"I didn't mean to," mumbled Jungkook under his breath. "Doesn't mean that it's not your fault, hm?" Seokjin looked expectantly at the maknae. "Well, I'm really tired, just so you all know!" Jungkook raised his voice a little. "We're not mad at you, but we just want you to apologize," the manager looked straight into the youngest's eyes.

"Can't we deal with this tomorrow?" Jungkook let out a small whine. "Jungkook, that doesn't get you out of this whole thing," Yoongi replied. "Go away! I don't want to talk now!" Jungkook shouted. "Young man, that's not how you talk to your hyungs," said Namjoon sharply. "I don't care," huffed Jungkook as he crossed his arms, glaring at everyone.

"Jeon Jungkook-" Seokjin began, but the maknae had already ran off, disappearing into his room. "Brat," the eldest muttered as he ushered the rest to their rooms.


Jungkook yawned as he stretched, slowly getting out of bed. As thoughts of yesterday's events came to mind, he shrugged, thinking that he only needed to apologize to end the whole thing. But how he was proven wrong. "Morning, hyung," Jungkook began as he met Seokjin cooking breakfast in the kitchen. "I'm sorry for yesterday-"

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