Seokjin: Constipated

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Seokjin woke up with a very bloated stomach, which made him feel slightly nauseous. He felt the need to defecate, so he hurried to the bathroom, making sure not to wake his roommate Namjoon up.

Seokjin locked the door cautiously, and sat down on the toilet bowl. But nothing came out, no matter how hard he pushed. Only little farts escaped, however, and his stomach kept bloating up. He sighed and frowned unhappily.

He'd seen other members like this too, and they were obviously constipated. Now he, being the oldest member, decided not to inform any of the others about it. They had a long day of practice coming up, and they would also do a photoshoot today. Seokjin didn't want to make all of them stay at the dorm all day just because of him. But there was one thing.

Seokjin was a little. He didn't always slip. He only slipped about once a week, or once in two weeks, if they were busy. But he always slipped when he wasn't feeling well, and that was how he felt now. He wanted to defecate badly, but he was constipated and felt the immediate need to slip and rest in his caregivers' reassurance that he would be all right. However, he didn't want to do so.

"Kim Seokjin," scolded Seokjin to himself. "Do not slip now. You're only constipated, nothing much. There's no need to be so troublesome." And he meant it.

He went down quietly to get some medicine, and fortunately no one was awake yet. He gulped down some water after the medicine and quickly put it back in the medicine cabinet, where it was supposed to be. He definitely didn't want anyone to worry about him.

Namjoon was the second one up, then the others woke up one by one. Despite Seokjin not feeling well, he didn't tell anyone else and continued to make breakfast for everyone, as if nothing had happened.

They soon left for practice, and on the way, Seokjin was grateful that his stomach had stopped bloating, but he kept letting out little farts on accident, and they stunk badly enough to be smelt by his members. The maknae liners complained about the smell, but they didn't really whine about it much as they had other things to talk about.

Seokjin rubbed his stomach gently in attempt to soothe his discomfort. He chose to sit in the back this time because he didn't want the farts to disturb anyone, but apparently they did. He kept repeating the same action, but he didn't know that a certain leader was noticing this happening.

Namjoon leaned over to Yoongi who was sleeping, and hesitantly tapped the older on the shoulder. "Namjoon, how many times have I-" grumbled Yoongi, but Namjoon interrupted him and whispered, "I think Seokjin hyung's not feeling very good." Yoongi sat up straight immediately on hearing Namjoon. The second oldest had always been concerned whenever it came to his members' health.

Namjoon described Seokjin's actions to Yoongi, and the older whispered back, "I think hyung is constipated." They didn't want to pass the message to the maknaes because the three would probably tease Seokjin, so they had to tell Hoseok. Before they could say anything, however, the driver pulled over, and Bangtan walked to the dance practice room.

Seokjin's bloating stomach had worsened, and he was actually slipping. He didn't say anything, and he rushed to the bathroom instantly after they arrived, mumbling, "I'm going to the bathroom real quick." The truth was, he needed to fart, and he didn't want anyone to complain or tease him.

Namjoon and Yoongi eyed each other, and they followed Seokjin silently. Seokjin ran into a stall as he slipping into a headspace of around two years old. He let out a big fart, and another, and then came some small ones as he sobbed to himself.

"Jinnie, where are you, baby?" called out Namjoon worriedly. He knew Seokjin had slipped into littlespace and was in the bathroom crying his eyes out. "Appa! Jinnie here!" wailed Seokjin, his hands clutching his stomach, still letting out baby farts.

"Baby, is your tummy bloating?" asked Namjoon, going straight into caregiver mode already. Seokjin nodded and wiped his red and puffy eyes. Yoongi opened the unlocked door, and there was Seokjin sitting on the floor.

"Let's go home, baby," sighed Namjoon. Seokjin shook his head. "No! Daddy and daddy and daddy and dada and eomma and appa will be mad and me." Namjoon reassured, "They won't, baby. See, appa and dada aren't mad, so the others won't, hm?"

Seokjin hesitated, but he held out his hand for Namjoon, who picked up the little, diapered him up and carried him into the dance practice room.

"What's taking so- oh," Jimin demanded, but stopped when he saw Seokjin pouting in Namjoon's arms. "Did he slip?" Yoongi nodded. "And he's constipated," the older announced. "So it was him farting on the car!" exclaimed Jungkook.

Yoongi glared at the maknae, who immediately covered his mouth with his hands, mouthing a 'sorry.' "I'm getting him some laxatives," said Namjoon. Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "But laxatives are going to make him poop a lot and-" The leader interrupted, "It's fine. I put a diaper on him anyways, so it's not going to be too much of a mess." The others agreed eventually.

The maknae liners went to get laxatives for Seokjin, while the others took Seokjin home. They dressed the little in a cute dog onesie, cooing at him as they did so. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook returned home with the laxatives, and Yoongi mixed a little in Seokjin's bottle with milk for the little.

"Hi baby," cooed Namjoon, holding the bottle for Seokjin. Seokjin grabbed it and sucked it pleasantly. Soon enough, he let out a couple of wet farts and released what he had in his bowels. Jungkook changed him, and Bangtan put Seokjin to a nap.

They all surrounded Seokjin for a minute after he fell asleep as they watched their precious little. They loved him and would never exchange him for anything.

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