Hoseok: The Sky

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Requested by @berry_nanaa :)

Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is only based on the author's imagination. Please do not attempt self-harm or suicide when you face problems. There are a lot of better ways to solve them.





The sky's beautiful. It always has been.

Purple splotches are covering it right now. Just like a piece of art.

It's a true piece of art.

When I look up, I see a lot of things.

My family, for example.

They're right there, gazing down at me. Probably.

Dad doesn't like being in a photo, and because of that, I never take pictures of the sky.

I try to make them pleased, even though they all are up there, and I'm down here.

Feeling lonely.

I recall memories of staring at those white walls along with my family. We talked, we cried, we argued.

But that was the past.

Reality pulls us out of the comfort zone, because the world is just covered by the coronavirus by now.

Maybe now my family members are angels who are going to save us all from covid.

Hopefully before it's my turn to visit the sky.

Hopefully. But unfortunately, I'm already hopeless. Only darkness lies ahead of me, and I'm only surrounded by coldness.

Why can't the sun just come out already?

Tears slide down my cheeks, though I'll never admit it.

I have always been a strong person. And a cheerful sunshine.

But however strong or cheerful I am, I guess corona's the winner.

It took my family away.

I've been standing against this cold north wind. Except it's killing more of us.

Dust must've been blown into my eyes, because I try to wipe it away.

Turns out that it's just another fresh round of tears that I can't stop.

I'm looking out the window right now. The house once filled with laughter and joy is dead.

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