Taehyung: Drowning

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(A/N That pout is just adorable!)

"We're going in the water?" asked Taehyung, his eyes widening.

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"You're sure? Cause..." his voice trailed off as he gave a small whimper. "What's the matter, Taetae?" asked Seokjin patiently. "Nothin'," the younger mumbled back. "We know there's something up," added Yoongi, "please don't hide anything from us."

Taehyung took a deep breath. "Promise you won't laugh at me?" Namjoon grinned. "Promise."

"Alright then," began Taehyung. "I'm afraid of the water. When I was young, I was learning how to swim and I almost drowned. I know how to swim but it's really... scary." "Aww," cooed Hoseok, "it's nothing. We don't mind. Although the water will go up to your chest, you've still got us."

"The water's going to go up to my chest?" repeated Taehyung. "Then I don't wanna come, no matter what." Jungkook thought for a moment, then tried persuading his bestie. "Not even for ARMY?" Taehyung hesitated. "Okay, okay, I'll go, but it's really scary. I might drown!" He choked in tears.

"Who said you're going to drown? Nope you're not ever going to drown! C'mon, be realistic! There's the whole management crew and the filming staff, and don't forget about us! We're always there for you," ranted Jimin. "You're turning into Jin hyungie," giggled Jungkook.

"Do it for ARMY, okay?" smiled Seokjin encouragingly. "Yeah, I will," replied Taehyung, feeling a bit better after everyone else's encouragement. "Don't feel forced or anything," reminded Yoongi, "if you really don't want to, then it's fine, but..." Taehyung interrupted the second oldest. "It's okay, I said I will do it."

"Anything for ARMY, right?"


Taehyung's POV:

I can't do it, I can't do it.

Or can I?

Everything's set up once I agreed to filming in the water. The problem is, it just makes the whole thing scary and stressful. I know, a twenty-three year old man being scared of some damn swimming pool, it's ridiculous. Even Yoongi hyungie is agreeing to all this, how can I say no?

Maybe I can, if it's for ARMY.

I know they love us very much, and they also expect a lot. It's a lot of pressure, to be honest. Jungkook's so excited he's already in the water fooling around, about to pull Jimin down too. He gestures for me to come, and once again, I hesitate. I think for a quick moment and shake my head. I want to be ready and confident when I go, which I'm not quite yet.

Jungkook gives a small pout, but he shakes it off and continues playing with Jimin. I have to admit, I feel quite left out, but it's just my own problem, right?

Speaking of which, if it's my problem, then why don't I try to solve it. I walk slowly towards my fear and close my eyes. Soon I open them again. Why don't I just gain some confidence myself?

"Hi," I say, "I'm coming in now!"

Good luck, Kim Taehyung.

End of POV


"Where's Yoongi and Seokjin hyungie?" Jungkook whined as he pushed Jimin around the water. "Still asleep," sighed Hoseok, "but we're actually early. They're not late, so we can't blame them." Jungkook huffed. "Fine."

"Tae, why don't you try and go under water?" suggested Namjoon. "It might help a little bit. Later you won't be freaking out." Taehyung nodded and dived down the water.

No, I can't do it, why did I ever agree to this? It's crazy, it's creepy, I hate it so bad! I'll probably die, I know I will. Even if I don't, I'll disappoint the others and ARMY. I might even end up hating myself too. I need to get out of this, right now, right now, right now...

Taehyung suddenly started thrashing around in the water and screamed. He hadn't been swimming for more than ten years. It wasn't surprising that he completely forgot how to swim. "I-is Tae playing around or... what's going on?" panicked Jimin. "Tae? Please don't fool around, we're worried!" exclaimed Hoseok. "He's not playing around!" shouted Namjoon. "He's drowning! Get him out of the water and see if he responses!"

"Tae, what's wrong?" cried Hoseok as he lifted Taehyung out of the water. When Taehyung didn't reply, he screamed, "Answer me, Tae!"

"CALL 119 AND GET JIN HYUNG! HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO DO A PROPER CPR!" Namjoon screeched. "SOMEONE CHECK HIS PULSE FOR ME!" The staff went to call 119 while Jungkook sprinted away to get Seokjin.

Jimin's eyes widened as he felt Taehyung's pulse. Or at least, he tried to.


At that moment, Jungkook came running back with Seokjin and a sleepy Yoongi, who immediately widened his eyes when he saw Taehyung's condition. "He doesn't have a pulse?" gasped Seokjin and started to do CPR on Taehyung.

"Check if he has a pulse again," said Seokjin. Jimin felt again. "STILL NO! C'MON, JIN HYUNG, CONTINUE!" Seeing your soulmate unconscious from drowning was never great, and that was exactly how Jimin felt.

Seokjin continued the CPR, and finally the ambulance crew came. "Still not a pulse?" Seokjin muttered under his breath, but he hurried on to the ambulance with Taehyung. The rest of them would drive.

"TAE!" shrieked Jimin, tears starting to fall. "It's okay, Jimin, Tae will be okay," said Hoseok, trying to calm the younger one down. "It's not okay!" Jimin wailed. "He doesn't have a pulse, how is that supposed to be okay?"

"I- I dunno," trembled Namjoon, getting scared. What if something happened to Tae?

"Let's get to the hospital first," said Jungkook solemnly, "I'll drive."

The others nodded in agreement and got into Jungkook's car.


"Is he ever gonna wake up?" asked Yoongi worriedly.

"We don't know," replied the doctor, "he's got a lot of water in his lungs and he's still unconscious. Wait a while, maybe."

Jungkook and Jimin were crying, huddling together. Hoseok was next to them, stroking their hair. Namjoon and Yoongi were pacing around Taehyung, while Seokjin went to get a drink.

After a while, Seokjin returned.

"I'm back," announced Seokjin, "he still isn't awake, isn't he?" Yoongi lowered his voice a little. "The doctor said he might not wake up, and who knows what will happen?"

"Tae, we got some Gucci for you!"

No response.

"Tae, we got a lot of Gucci for you!"

Still nope.

"Tae, we filled our dorm with Gucci!"


"Yes! Uh, actually, no! BUT YOU WOKE UP, TAE!"

Everyone got hyped because Taehyung woke up and crowded around him.

"Aww, I'm sad," mumbled Taehyung.


"Cause you didn't really fill our dorm with Gucci."


Can you guys just check out my BLACKPINK Sickfic book? Staring at it with like 10 views and 3 votes is not a good thing to do :(

Stay safe,


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