BTS: Down with Sickness (Part 1)

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(A/N In this story, littlespace is normal, and ARMYs know about some of BTS being littles.)

⚠Vomit, littlespace, diarrhea

Namjoon heard a loud wail across the room. He sighed. Someone must have upset their little.

Soon, Yoongi came carrying an upset Hoseok, who buried his face in his caretaker's chest, whimpering. "He had diarrhea this morning, my poor baby," explained Yoongi.

"Aww," cooed Namjoon but was sad that one of the littles were sick. He then remembered he was the caregiver of little Jimin, so he decided to go wake his little. The other two headed downstairs, with Yoongi carrying Hoseok, only to find Seokjin rubbing Taehyung and Jungkook's tummy.

"Why are you doing that?" inquired Yoongi. Seokjin replied, "Cause they vomited early this morning. Taehyung managed to do it in the bin, but Jungkook threw up all over himself." He lifted the youngest on his lap, who had regressed to the age of one. "I think he's only around one to one and a half currently."

"You aren't kidding me," frowned Namjoon, walking in while carrying Jimin, who absolutely didn't look great. "All of the littles are sick! It must be something, all that diarrhea and vomiting. Jimin's nighttime diaper saved his bedsheets, thank god."

"Wha-what!" exclaimed Yoongi. He hadn't expected all of the littles to be sick. "How is that even possible!" He looked tired and grumpy as usual. "Anyways," sighed Seokjin. "Namjoon, you'd better be asking for a week off. I'll make some breakfast while Yoongi, please stay with these kids."

"Tummy," whimpered Taehyung. He wasn't often sick as a little, and it was always hard for him. Jungkook pulled at Yoongi's sleeve, as if to ask for comfort. Jimin kicked his legs unhappily, ready to throw a tantrum, while Hoseok already had tears streaming down his eyes.

"What do I do with these kids," muttered Yoongi. He ran swiftly to the bathroom to grab four disposable emesis basins (the caregivers found them very useful for vomiting). When he came back, Jungkook already started vomiting, and Jimin's diaper was soiled completely again.

Yoongi was grateful when Namjoon returned, saying, "Bang PD nim understands, and he's giving us two weeks of holiday. Oh and- what happened, Kookie and Jiminie?" Namjoon cooed.

Jungkook just wailed, while Jimin sobbed, "Dada, doesn't feel otay!" Namjoon's heart broke. He cuddled Jimin and looked over at Yoongi. "Why aren't you cleaning up Jungkook?"

"Oh right," replied Yoongi, who made sure Taehyung and Hoseok had their emesis basins below their chins before picking up Jungkook, who was now soiling his diaper.

Now, Taehyung and Hoseok were alone, at least they didn't have their caregivers nearby. Plus, the smell of Jimin's dirty diaper was disturbing them. They wanted Namjoon's attention, but he was too busy playing with Jimin, who was giggling a little bit. "Joonie hyungie, can chu pwease change Jiminie's diaper?" mumbled Taehyung. He was feeling the best out of the four littles.

"Oh yes, uh, thanks for reminding, Taetae. I'll do it now," Namjoon said quickly. And he left with Jimin.

Hoseok looked at Taehyung. Taehyung looked at Hoseok. They dropped their emesis basins at the same time, and looked at each other.

While throwing up on each other.

Taehyung wailed. Hoseok whined.

"Wan' dada!" sobbed Hoseok.

"Wan' dada too!" cried Taehyung.

Seokjin came. Namjoon came. Yoongi came. And they all sighed. Then they helped to clean the two up.


"37.9," announced Seokjin, smiling at Taehyung. They had all finished breakfast, with some vomiting incidents in between, but it was all fine now. They were busy taking the littles' temperatures.

"Now you, baby," cooed Seokjin to Jungkook softly. After a while, Seokjin said, "39.2." His face dropped a little, trying not to let his tears fall. He couldn't bear how the youngest had such a high fever.

When Seokjin came with the thermometer to Hoseok, the little pointed to Jimin instead. How could Seokjin forget? Hoseok didn't exactly like taking his temperature, as it always hurt his ear when any of his hyungs poked the thermometer in there.

"Pwease, Jinnie hyung, don't wanna," begged Hoseok with puppy dog eyes. Even when he was big, he didn't really like the ear thermometer that much, and that was the only kind of thermometer they had in the Bangtan dorm.

"Hobi, you know that it's only a moment," cooed Seokjin. Hoseok shook his head unwillingly. Seokjin sighed and mumbled, "I'm sorry, Hobi, but you'll have to." Seokjin acted quickly and held both of Hoseok's hand, putting the ear thermometer in the younger's ear. Tears rolled down Hoseok's cheek as he tried to struggle free. The thermometer beeped, and it showed '38.1'.

"Dada!" wailed Hoseok. Yoongi came running, and he glared at Seokjin. "Now what have you done, hyung?"

Seokjin replied, "I put the ear thermometer in his ear to take his temperature. Now what's the problem?" Yoongi gave Hoseok a kiss on the forehead and told him, "Hobi baby, you know that Jinnie hyung is doing this for your own good, hmm?" Hoseok mumbled a 'sowwy' and made himself comfortable on Yoongi's lap.

"Dada, Kookie needs diapee change!" screamed Taehyung from the other room. Seokjin immediately handed the thermometer to Yoongi and said, "I'll be back soon. Check Jimin's temperature for Joon, please." Yoongi nodded, rocking Hoseok in his lap.

It took a while for Seokjin to get to the other room, as he tripped over a couple of toys and stuffies on the way.

"Dada, Kookie needs diapee change!"

To be continued...

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