OT7: Car Crash (Part 2)

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(A/N Oh, yes, and I forgot to add that this is Jimin centric because @rhecalma requested that)


Jimin whipped back to see his bandmates screaming their heads off.

"What's the mat-"

The bus crashed into a signpost, and you probably thought that it would've stopped, but it didn't. It kept going and crashing into more signposts, till they finally stopped suddenly.

"J-Jiminie hyung," whimpered Jungkook before he passed out. The whole car was tipped over, and the youngest was trying to reach for his hyung. He knew that Jimin was the one who was in most danger because he was sitting in front.

"Jimin?" a deep voice croaked. It was Taehyung, looking for his soulmate. "Jiminie? Where are you? C-can you see me?"

No response.

"Jiminie, please answer me," whispered Taehyung, starting to sob. "JIMIN, NO! DON'T DIE!" Seokjin's voice rang. "Taehyung, it's okay, I- I'm sure Jimin's fine, don't worry." Jungkook opened his eyes slowly and slurred, "Y-yeah, Jimin will be okay." He spit out blood and coughed violently.

"Jungkook! Are you okay?" gasped Hoseok. "And how about... Jimin, Namjoon, and Yoongi hyung?" Yoongi let out a yawn. "I'm here, guys." Namjoon chimed in, "Yes me too, is everyone okay?"

"Not Jimin, he didn't reply," sniffled Taehyung, crawling slowly over to where Jimin's seat was. Jimin was lying there, blood all over his chest. A small piece of silver was poking out of Jimin's heart. "No, no, no," murmured Taehyung, "you did not just tell me that you got a piece of metal in your heart. No, no, NO!" He wailed.

"Jiminie!" cried Jungkook along with Taehyung, causing him to splatter blood all over himself. "Jimin's got a piece of metal in his heart?" repeated Yoongi. "I DON'T BELIEVE IT!" screamed Taehyung. "Calm down, Tae," reassured Namjoon, "the ambulance should be here by now, seeing that some people must've called the police or something."


That caused them to completely freak out.


"An ARMY is here," muttered Hoseok, "and she's crazy. Don't overreact, guys, we can't let her see us in this state. Especially if she does eventually, please don't say that Jimin might've had a piece of metal stuck in his heart."

"She's walking close," observed Jungkook as he tried to stand up but fell down. "Don't, Jungkookie," warned Seokjin, "you heard what Hobi said." "Nae," replied Jungkook, "b-but, what if she does see Jiminie, and Jiminie really has a piece of metal in his heart?"

"Don't bother about that ARMY now," suggested Namjoon, "bother about Jimin. Look, that's the ambulance. They should be telling the people to leave, I think."

The ambulance crew did do so, and soon some of them crawled into the tipped over bus. Suddenly, they heard some soft crying. Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Seokjin turned to where it came from.

"Hyuuuung," whined Jimin, trying to reach for his elders. "JIMIN ARE YOU OKAY? I'M SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" exclaimed Taehyung. "It hurts!" wailed Jimin. "What hurts?" asked Seokjin anxiously. "C-chest, and heart, and head, and stomach," Jimin mumbled as he started wheezing.

"Hyung," sniffled Jungkook, throwing up more on Jimin, making more of a mess. Part of the vomit was blood. He widened his eyes, afraid that his hyungs would be mad at him. Instead, a medic took him first up on a stretcher, followed by the others.

Then it was Jimin left.

"We can't get him out," explained the medic, "he's going to bleed so much if we do so." Hoseok frowned. "But look," he said, pointing to Jimin, "he's suffering so, so badly. He's crying, can't you find a way to get him out? Our fans are literally screaming out there because they can't see him."

"Find a way to calm your fans for now," replied the medic, "I think it's better to find firefighters to do the job. He's lost so much blood already, look, and he's almost unconscious. It will be even more dangerous if we do it." The others could do nothing but nod in agreement.

"Hyuuu-" before Jimin could finish his sentence (okay, word), he passed out, blood slowly dripping out of his lips. "See, that's why. I've already told my colleagues to call the fire department. Now we just have to wait for them for about three minutes," sighed the medic.


"How's the others?" asked Seokjin weakly, concerned about his dongsaengs. "Mr. Park, Mr. Jeon, and Mr. Kim (Taehyung) have gone through surgery. Mr. Kim bled much, but he's pretty stable currently. Mr. Jeon's stomach was bleeding, but he's fine too. However, for Mr. Park..."

"Tell me the truth," said Seokjin, looking up. "Well," hesitated the nurse but continued eventually, "he was almost lifeless when he was rescued, and his everywhere was bleeding, and most of all, he had a piece of metal in his heart. It took the doctors a long time to take it out. He's quite stable, but he might not wake up."

"Not ever?" gasped Seokjin. The nurse shrugged. "You've woken up anyways, so why don't you visit him yourself? He's in a room with Mr. Kim (Taehyung) and Mr. Jeon." Seokjin nodded as he was helped onto a wheelchair and wheeled into a large hospital room.


"So that's his condition?" trembled Seokjin. "Yes," replied the nurse. "How about the other two?"

"They're pretty fine but still unconscious," she said.

He hoped for all of them to be fine. He wished so badly.


~Three weeks later (25/12)

"Jiminie? This is a Christmas sweater with your favorite patterns that we made for you," whispered Taehyung, still not getting over the fact that Jimin might never wake up.

"Yes, and if you ever wake up, darling, tell us," wept Yoongi silently, burying his head in Namjoon's chest.

"I'm not returning to my sunshine role till you wake up," said Hoseok softly, stroking Jimin's hair while patting Jungkook's back, who was humming gently on his wheelchair.

Jimin blinked.

They gasped.

"Shunsine," slurred Jimin, "'obi, shunshine."

"A-are you BACK TO LIFE HYUNG?" shrieked Jungkook. "Shunshine," repeated Jimin, blinking a few times before saying. "Yes, Jiminie, sunshine," gasped Namjoon. "Shunshine Hobi, an', an', Joonie?"


"You woke up!"

"We all missed you!"


"It's been three weeks?"

"Yes, it's been three weeks, and we didn't know what to do without you."

"Wow, I'm alive."

"Yes, honey, you're so alive!"

"Merry Christmas!"

Had Jimin not woke up and said those words, it would've been a very sad Christmas for the rest of Bangtan.

Edit: @rhecalma had requested it to be early uploaded, so that's what I did :)

That also means I won't be updating for three days I think.

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