Chapter 48

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Yan Ziye was silent, his eyes widened, and looked at Anles in disbelief, "You..."

Before Yan Ziye could say anything, Ans answered, "Does Xiao Ye want to ask me how I know? It's very simple, because I have been watching Xiao Ye from the beginning. The reason why Xiao Ye meets during the day So sleepy, it’s because Xiao Ye is cultivating diligently at night. That’s why Xiao Ye’s combat effectiveness has increased so quickly."

His hands couldn't help being clenched into fists. For a moment, Yan Ziye no longer thought that Anles was the kind of person who seemed very gentle. Not only is he not the kind of gentle person, but the kind of person who is deep in the city, if he doesn't want to show it, no one can see it.

Oops, cheated. Yan Ziye just wanted to move, but realized that he couldn't move. This scene was so familiar.

The surrounding scenery was slowly changing. In the blink of an eye, Yan Ziye was in the grass under the mountain. The waist-height grass shook with the wind and made a "swish swish" sound. The fist-sized fluorescent beast had a small round head, two ant-like antennae, black limbs, and a fat beast behind. Glowing tail.

These cute little things have been flying around Yan Ziye, like shining stars in the universe. The scenery is beautiful, but Yan Ziye is not in the mood to appreciate it now. He is even a little mad now.

How could it be possible, like a nightmare, the spiritual power in the body did not move at all, the half demon pill seemed to be still, and there was no response at all. Yan Ziye tried to call Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua did not respond.

Yan Ziye closed his eyes and used all his strength to activate the half demon pill in his body. When he was about to succeed, Yan Ziye shook his whole body, and the action of urging the demon pill was interrupted.

"Xiao Ye's strength has indeed improved a lot. Fortunately, my strength is not bad. Xiao Ye, stop struggling. In my spiritual realm, you can't use power without my permission." Aner Si stretched out his hand and smoothed the dull hair on Yan Ziye's forehead, revealing a familiar and unfamiliar evil smile.

At this moment, if Yan Ziye still doesn't understand, then it is really stupid. It turns out that everything that happened before is true, but I was deceived by Ains' superb acting skills.

"Ansi, why are you doing this?" Yan Ziye asked through gritted teeth. Why should he deceive him, why should he conceal him, why should he expose his true face when he gradually got used to him.

Ans did not speak, stretched out his hand to cover Yan Ziye's waist, turned around and pressed Yan Ziye under him. There is a soft grass under him, and Yan Ziye can even smell the fragrance of the grass.

"Why do you want to do this? Because I fell in love with you. I told Xiao Ye about this sentence. Did Xiao Ye forget?" A silver light flashed in Ans's eyes as he pushed aside the bangs on Yan Ziye's forehead. It became silver eyes.

Yan Ziye stared at Anse's charming silver eyes blankly, remembering that picture in his mind.

"Because I think whether it is a commoner or a nobleman, if I want to, I will become friends with him. And you, Yan Ziye, is the one I like."

Yan Ziye, who had reacted, couldn't wait to go back in time, but Ans actually fell in love with him? Before that early?

"Ans, you're crazy, I'm an orc." By this time, Yan Ziye no longer pretended to be crazy and behaved stupidly. Now this wilderness, lone beast and widow, so dangerous!

"I know Xiao Ye is an orc, but as long as I like it, what about an orc." Ans's tone was full of domineering, a face that was so perfect that humans and gods were angry with a demonic smile, he leaned close to Yan Ziye's neck, deep After taking a deep breath of the faint fragrance on Yan Ziye's body, he showed an expression of enjoyment.

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