Chapter 87

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Looking at the five Yan Ziye standing in front of him, the dean of Grass College laughed loudly, "Haha, you don’t have to be nervous, it’s no big deal to call you. It’s just that your fighting power is stronger than other orcs, so I made your test questions a little bit more difficult." The Dean of Grasse College made a little gesture with his fingers, but is the difficulty of the task really as high as what he said? Just a little bit, it's hard to say.

"I know." Haibo Luo whispered softly. Although he was not very satisfied with the dean's treatment, Haibo Luo was forced to finish the question in the end.

"Okay, all the questions for the test are exhausted. You can't open it to watch it now. Wait until you enter the outer space of the interstellar beast forest." The dean slapped his hands after talking to Yan Ziye and the others. All the orcs who have drawn the test questions have assembled, and then continue to say: "I repeat here, the test area is the outer periphery of the interstellar beast forest. We have already drawn the boundary line. If anyone dares to enter the inner periphery of the interstellar beast without authorization, they will appear. If there is any accident, the consequences will be at your own risk. Okay, now I announce that the early completion test of the A-level class at Grass College has officially started, and the test time will last three days."

As the dean's words fell, all the orcs entered the interstellar orc forest with the nutrient solution and other items they had brought.

The deputy dean of Grass College stood behind the dean, looking at Yan Ziye and others who finally entered the forest, and said with a sigh: "Their fighting power of the orcs this year is much stronger than the previous one. Especially. Ans and them."

"It's not bad." The dean couldn't help but complimented, and then asked the deputy dean behind him, "By the way, where is the note you wrote me about the things you want to enter the interstellar beast forest? "The dean looked for his own pocket, but after not finding it, he thought that the deputy dean didn't give it to him.

The deputy dean looked terrified and couldn't help swallowing, and finally said with difficulty: "I saw you holding it in your hand just now, and it will disappear after Yan Ziye and the others finish the test. You will not be careful. Put the note in the box for extracting questions, right?"

"No?" Thinking of this possibility, the dean couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly went to hold the box that Yan Ziye and the others had extracted. There were only five pieces of paper in the original box, but after Yan Ziye and the others finished smoking, there was still one piece left in it.

The dean took out the note, his eyes widened, and he looked incredulous, "Oops, that note was taken away by one of the five little guys."

"Huh?" The deputy dean said dumbfoundedly: "What should I do? Or I will ask them to come back right now and change the test questions?" The note says that there are two things that must be entered. Things that can only be found in the interstellar forest. Originally, the deputy dean wanted to go into the forest to find it by himself, but the dean was bored, so he asked the deputy dean to give him the note and let him find it. As a result, I did not expect such a thing to happen.

Seeing that Yan Ziye and others were gone, the dean shook his head after being silent for a while, "Forget it, don't change it, just let them find it. The difficulty is indeed a little bit more difficult, but those things are outside the interstellar beasts. There are still some. Only if they find three of them, I will let them graduate. Okay, let's do it. You can check again to see what you are looking for and get a new copy for me."

"Okay." Since the dean had said so, the deputy dean could only go back and look up what he was looking for. After all, it was rare, so the deputy dean could not remember it.

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