Chapter 144

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"Ans, you tell me clearly, when did you know about this?" Looking at Ans's apparently clear look, Yan Ziye was angry about such a big event, An'er Si actually kept it from him.

"I just learned about this. Okay, I'm not angry, sit down, I will tell you slowly." Ans took Yan Ziye and sat on the sofa to the side, then grabbed Yan Ziye's hand and said: "Isn't Alditch being sent out by the family to complete some training mission? On the way, I encountered an s-level intermediate star beast. Of course, he couldn't beat Alditch's s-level elementary combat power, and later it was a small thorn. Saved him. This carelessness revealed the true identity of the small thorn. You also know that Aldesch originally liked the small thorn very much, and knowing that the small thorn can be transformed back into a human form, and get along with each other, there will be no feelings. You know who Alditch is. He mentioned this to me. At the time, I thought he was joking, but I didn't expect that this betrothal gift would be delivered."

"It's too much, then why don't you tell me this?" Yan Ziye stared at Anles.

Ans chuckled and said: "Did you break through during that time? I don't want this to bother you. I thought about it and told you later, but then we were busy with our marriage again, so I took it I forgot. I didn't expect this guy Odeck to move so fast."

"I think you did it on purpose. Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking." Yan Ziye knows exactly what his partner is thinking, but he doesn't point it out. Now, Yan Ziye is really a little angry to hide such important things from him.

"Ans, your jealous habit, you should change it. The little thorn is my contract beast, now it can be transformed, and it is equivalent to my relative. As his master, I must You know, you also need to take a look at him." The newly transformed Yan Xiaocai is too innocent. Although Yan Ziye knows a little about Odyssey, he still feels uneasy. Without saying a word, he said that he would give the little thorn to Aldech, how could Yan Ziye feel relieved. And the two of them are not suitable for being together.

Ans knew that he did a little too much this time, so he hugged Yan Ziye and immediately smiled and said: "Xiaoye, I know I was wrong, just this time, I won't be in the future, forgive me?"

Looking at Ans’s perfect face, with such a pleased smile, and a very sincere attitude, Yan Ziye’s anger was half gone, “Forget it, it’s already happened, now it’s useless to say more. Yes. Tomorrow, let Alditch come back with a small thorn immediately, I want to ask clearly about the matter between them. Anles, let me tell you, don’t want to intervene in this matter again. Otherwise, next time , Don’t think I forgive you.” Yan Ziye glanced at Aners. If this guy doesn’t rectify it, he will definitely get worse next time. Before, Yan Ziye was too lazy to take care of it. Now, because of Xiaotong’s affairs, let him know An’er. Si has already passed it a bit, so we must stop it.

Knowing that Yan Ziye was really angry this time, Ans was actually a little nervous in his heart. Seeing Yan Ziye forgave him, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then promised: "Don't worry, Xiaoye, it's really this time. .I must tell you as soon as there is anything. I will immediately ask Aldech to come back tomorrow with a small thorn. At that time, you can interrogate Aldech any way you want, and I will help you watch. "

After speaking, Ans acted immediately, dialed Aldech's communication number, and talked about the matter with Aldech. Aldech was also very refreshed, as if he had expected it. Also, if someone abducted someone else's family, it is excusable for someone else's family to want to interrogate.

So the next day, early in the morning, Aldech brought Yan Xiaoci to Gal's house.

I slept late last night, so Yan Ziye got up a little late in the morning, of course, because it was the wedding night, it was excusable to wake up late. Seeing the ambiguous eyes that were constantly cast along the way, Yan Ziye looked helpless. Yan Ziye said that in fact last night, he and Ans really slept under a blanket. After working all day, and tearing down the gift for another hour, there is still that energy. Of course, this is just Yan Ziye's thoughts, Ans is full of energy.

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