Chapter 43

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"What? Can the mecha be used during the game?" When Hyboluo heard the news, he almost didn't jump up. "It's great. If I can really drive the mecha, I will definitely use Ebruna. The group of grandchildren are fighting. "Hyboluo may not be as strong as the students of the Aibul Academy, but he has confidence in his mecha control ability.

If you control the mecha, against Yan Anxu, Haibo Luo is also confident to win. After all, his mecha control ability is well-known in the academy, except for Odecki and Anles, he is the strongest.

Excited, Hai Bo Luo found that he seemed to be the only one happy. He looked at Hod and the others and found that all their faces sank. The smile on Haiboluo's face slowly disappeared, and then he asked incomprehensibly: "What's wrong, shouldn't this be happy?"

Alditch glanced at him and said coldly, "Stupid."

Haiboluo was not convinced, "Hey, Aldech, don't think that you can be stupid if you are stronger than me. What am I stupid? If you can't tell, we will compete alone after the game."

Cold eyes looked at Haibo Luo, "There is no cure."

"I said, what the **** is going on, you guys are not talking here, how do I know where the problem is?" Haiboluo looked confused.

"The problem is with me." Yan Ziye yawned, with physiological tears on the corners of his eyes, so sleepy, he was called out as soon as he fell asleep. If it's not important, it's about himself, he really doesn't want to get up.

"You?" Haibo Luo scratched his head, "Yan Ziye, what's the problem with you?"

As soon as he said this, Haibo Luo got a string of white eyes, and he had seen an orc with a lack of heart, and had never seen an orc with such a lack of heart.

Ans opened his mouth lightly: "Xiao mecha."

Haiboluo slapped his forehead, "Yes, why did I forget about this? Yan Ziye doesn't have mechs yet. What should I do? If Yan Ziye doesn't have mechs, wouldn't he suffer a lot in the game?"

"Now there is no time to build a mecha." This new rule is a good thing for most orcs, but it is a bad thing for Yan Ziye, and it is also the most annoying place for Hod. It takes at least a week to build a mecha, and it is too late now. Even if this mecha was created, Yan Ziye's mental power would not match. Only e-level mental power can't control mecha at all. Not even the lowest mech.

Knowing that this rule is not good for Yan Ziye, Alan, who had always been timid, unexpectedly showed a worried expression and looked at Yan Ziye. The brows of the cold orc Odchy moved a little. Ans also looked at Yan Ziye worriedly.

"What are you all doing, isn’t it just that you can’t use mechas? What can you do. Last time I had a duel with Verno, I didn’t have mechas, and I didn’t win him. Mechas are just auxiliary machines. Strong strength, it can also remove all obstacles." Really, what if there is no mecha? Yan Ziye is confident. When he succeeds in forming a pill, the mecha is nothing like a cloud.

"Well said, it's worthy of being a student of our Grass Academy. What if there is no mecha? Yan Ziye's combat effectiveness is not low. This is not a good phenomenon to worry about before the game begins." Hodder clapped his hands and said.

Ans looked at Yan Ziye and smiled. As expected, he was the one he liked. His confident look was really dazzling. The heartbeat seemed to increase at that moment.

"I'm going to report tomorrow, you guys remember to get up early tomorrow, especially Yan Ziye. When it's so important, don't let me drop the chain." Hodt specifically named Yan Ziye. This guy really loves to sleep. He could easily fall asleep during the ranking competition in the academy before. Hodder has reason to believe that if Yan Ziye is not reminded, Yan Ziye will sleep until noon tomorrow.

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