Chapter Three

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Jeremy's POV

Sunday night

The first two days of having Pattie and her sons here was... interesting.

Spencer was okay with being polite and such, but Jason was quite pissed at the fact I made him share the bed with Justin.

It was hard, but I was slowly managing the idea of this working out.

"Could you stir the meat?" Pattie asked sweetly as we stood in the kitchen cooking dinner.

Tonight was the night before Justin and Derek started at Jason and Spencer's high school. Pattie was worried for Justin's sake, since apparently he had struggled sticking through normal schools previously - but I knew this school had a great program for special needs children.

I sent Pattie a smile as I began to stir the mince meet.

The smell of onions and herbs and spices filled my nostrals and I smiled, "This smells amazing, honey. Glad to finally have someone who knows how to cook."

Pattie leant up and kissed my cheek as she sprinkled sugar to sweeten it.

"Get used to it." She grinned, and grabbed her homemade pasta sauce, struggling to ope  the jar with her small hands.

I chuckled softly, grabbing it from her and opening it at ease.

She sent me a pointed glare, "I loosened it up." She said in a tone, which I knew meant she was joking.

I smiled, "Of course you did, you're a tough cookie." I sent a wink.

She smiled and shook her head, rubbing her stomach slightly, "You dont think things are moving too fast, right?"

I shook my head, "No, I like this pace... you're a beautiful woman, and I'm blessed to know you."

She blushed, "Oh hush you."

"Never." I pulled her close so I could share some kisses here and there.

Jason's POV

"This shit is boring." I groaned at Spencer, staring at the lame TV show about astrology or some crap, "Isnt there something more entertaining?" I asked.

We were sitting in the lounge room on the couches - well I was on the recliner, Derek and Spencer were on the long couch and Justin was sitting on the floor.

Spencer somehow ended up with the remote which sucked because he just watched crap, and Derek seemed to be tired and bored, while Justin was playing on that DS thing.

He has an obsession with some dog game on the DS, and plays it for hours. Justin's giggle was a bit cute when he played it though -wait, what?

Just ignore the last paragraph.... yeah.

"What do you expect to watch? Its my turn." Spencer huffed, turning the volume up.

"I dont get it, its boring as fuck." I spat,  making my voice louder.

"You'd get it if you werent so stupid." Spencer rolled his eyes.

"Dork." I scoffed.


"Dont finish that word." Derek suddenly said, cutting Spencer off as he sent both of us a glare, before motioning towards Justin.

Justin was still playing his game, barely noticing our stare.

Spencer threw the remote at me, before storming out of the room.

I think he might of disliked the fact Derek snapped at us.

I smiled before changing the channel and putting it on my all time favorite TV show, Bad Ink.

"Boys, dinner!" Pattie shouted from the dining room and I groaned.

Just as I started watching it, damn.

I sighed and got up with Derek and Justin, walking into the dining room.

"Where's Spencer?" Pattie smiled as she set the bowls of spaghetti bolognaise down on the table.

Justin of course had the smallest, since he really didnt eat much by the looks of it. Not to mention I've noticed he gets distracted when he eats.

Like, he randomly stares off into space when he doesnt have anymore interest in his food.

Why am I so interested in him anyway? Ugh -.-

"He ran off to his room." Derek mumbled as he sat down at a random area.

I took a seat in my usual place, grabbing the water jug and pouring myself a glass.

Dad walked off, probably to go fetch Spencer while everyone sat down and prepared to eat.

Justin went to take a mouthful, but Pattie scolded, "Sweetheart, its not polite to start without everyone at the table. Wait, please."

I felt kinda bad for him, because he looked quite upset after being told off.

Pattie needs to loosen her strains,  he's probably just hungr- wtf why am I defending him?

Oh my god, I need help.

Author's Note; Short, I know. Sorry x oh and by the way I have a twitter account. Follow me @spiro96_1D_JB :D

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