Chapter Forty-Nine

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Jason's POV

I sat awkwardly at a table with Carter and Justin. The three of us alone after we all boarded the ship.

At first we got out assigned rooms, sadly I was sharing a room with my loser friends, while Justin was sharing with Niall, Liam and Hunter (some dude who Derek didn't like for some reason).

Spencer got to share with his loser friends and Derek, so I guess he got what he wants, while I didn't.

And after the boat departed from the docs, I was expected to come along with Carter for some 'talk'.

Justin sat happily at the table, rearranging silverware according to size - and Carter was sipping at his coffee quietly.

I didnt know when he was going to start talking, so I was scrolling on my phone.

I mainly looked through pictures and to see if I still had network connection for the internet, sadly after twenty minutes I lost all connection. No instagram for me, I suppose.

After a while, Carter finally spoke up, "Justin tells me a lot of things," He began, "He's taken a liking towards you."

I chewed my bottom lip nervously. Just how much did that not so innocent kid say?

"He told me you two were boyfriend's..." Carter cleared his throat some.

Oh god, he's probably homophobic.

"I dont know what else Justin tells you, but like um... I know it sounds wrong and I get that he isn't like normal kids, but like I'm not taking advantage of him," I rambled suddenly, my voice shaking as I tried to explain, "If you're against gay people I'll like dump him I just-"

"Whoa," He laughed, shaking his head. An amused smile sparked on his lips. "I'm his father, not his mother. The difference between Patricia and I, is that I'm happy if Justin has a boyfriend or girlfriend. I want someone he can lean on and learn from. He's a growing boy, and a relationship is healthy for him."

I looked at him confused.

"Pattie, when she finds out about you two, it's not gonna be easy." he hummed, "Probably not a good idea she finds out before the wedding either. It's not like you should be ashamed for dating my son, but Pattie is a protective woman." Carter leant forward, "She's not homophobic, so don't worry about that. Nor am I. But you need to understand, if you're dating Justin, it better be because you really like him, okay?"

"I do." I admitted, my eyes glancing towards Justin, smiling a bit as I noticed him too focused on the giant seafood table nearby, "I didn't think we were still a couple... I mean... Its not exactly a boyfriend kinda thing we have going on, you know?"

"Whatever it is, he likes you a lot." Carter smiled and shook his head, "He's a fourteen year old Angel, don't fuck with him though." he added.

"Uh, yeah." I blushed.

"Now anyway, since we've had a little random confusing chat about me knowing you two are sort of, kind of a thing, I'm gonna head over to the bar, because I'm hanging for a drink." Carter got up and patted my back, before ruffling Justin's hair and walking off.

Justin looked at me with his big brown eyes, and giant smile, "My dad is cool." he giggled, "Don't you think?"

I rose a brow, "Yeah, he's alright." I said, leaning forward, "But don't think this means you're off the hook from what happened at the dinner." I narrowed my eyes.

Justin let out a giggle, "Daddy taught me about sex and five play."

I gave him a shocked look, "Don't you mean foreplay?"

"Yeah, that." Justin giggled and nodded, "He told me using Ken dolls!"

"You can't just do that at the dinner table. Our family was there!" I groaned and face palmed.

"But I wanted to make you feel good!" Justin pouted, "Did it make you sad?"

"No-yes ... Ugh I don't know." I huffed, "It was a nice gesture but don't touch someone's dick without asking first, okay?"

Justin nodded slowly, "Okay."

I smiled, "Okay, great. Glad we had this chat." I felt proud of myself for finally talking about it.

"Me too." Justin smiled, "So, can I touch your dick now?"

"Justin!" I groaned, "Watch your mouth!"

"You said it too!" Justin huffed.

"Yeah but you can't say that...say peepee or willy or ugh something more innocent." I ranted.

"Fine, can I touch your peepee?" Justin pouted.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, this boy will be the death of me.

Author's Note; next chapter shall be a Derek/Spencer chapter since this one was just Justin and Jason lol

Hope these updates make up for lost time

Enjoy x

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