Chapter Twenty-Five

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Derek's POV

I sighed in annoyance, pacing back and forth near the front door; I only just recently realized that Justin and Jason weren't back yet.

I wasn't happy about that at all, I was so worried about Justin.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled down my contacts for Jason's number. Justin really needs a phone, in my opinion; I'd rather call him anyway.

I pressed call on his name, before awaiting an answer.

It rung for a few seconds.

"What?" Jason's voice spoke quite rudely.

"Where the hell are you with my little brother?" I demanded.

"Around the corner, pretty much home. Why?" Jason sighed.

"You should have been back last night." I growled, stomping my foot impatiently.

"Yeah, yeah. We're out the front." Jason hung up.

I rolled my eyes and opened the front door, watching as a van pulled up, and soon enough Justin and Jason were getting out of it.

"Hi Derek." Justin smiled small as he walked over.

"Don't 'hi Derek' me. Mum will be so mad when she finds out." I scolded.

"Again, I'm his baby sitter, so excuse us." Jason interrupted, leading Justin passed me.

"Excuse me? He is still my little brother." I stated.

"Go deal with whatever you normally deal with, Justin and I are busy." Jason snorted.

"Doing what?" I spat, crossing my arms.

"Discussing stuff." Jason shrugged.

"What stuff?" I asked, looking at Justin mainly.

"... I lost a shoe..." Justin blushed, almost hiding behind Jason as if I were gonna pounce on him.

"I don't trust either of you." I pointed, before walking towards Spencer and I's room, "Don't leave, Mum and Jeremy are calling today to check in on us." I stated.

I sighed and sat on my bed in the room, glancing over at Spencer who happened to be fast asleep.

I smiled lightly, pulling out my phone again to sneak a few pictures; as creepy as that sounds.

Jason's POV

I pushed Justin to sit on the bed, crossing my arms as I stared hard at him, "Gonna tell me what was going on in Nash's car?"

Justin bit his bottom lip, shrugging, "I dont know."

"Don't lie to me, Justin." I glared slightly, "You both had a guilty look... did you kiss Nash again?"

"Ew!" Justin's face went sour, "I have never kissed Nash!"

"Well, what were you and Luke doing in his car?" I growled, eager to figure this out.

"I don't know... I don't remember." Justin huffed, leaning back a bit.

"Justin, you'll make me very mad." I warned.

Justin frowned, looking down, "Luke will lock me in a shed forever if I tell you."

"Tell me what?" I furrowed my brows.

"I don't want to be locked in a shed." Justin pouted, shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes, "He will do no such thing, I promise... what doesn't he want me to know?"

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