Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Spencer's POV

I yawned softly, stretching my arms out as I opened my eyes. I had no idea how long I was asleep for, but if I were honest if felt like I slept for an eternity.

" This belly fills but it never does - That's 'cause he at war with fudge. Yeah, he at war with, fudge. Those cookie jars, that Wippa keeps raiding, dont look like he'll ever fade away, has anyone checked how much he weighs? Those Cookies..." A voice singing made my head snap towards the angelic sound, and I simply stared in awe at Derek as he bobbed his head, singing to some weird ass song he was listening to through his ear phones.

I had no idea of what song he was listening to, but the tune reminded me of Battle Scars by Guy Sebastian and Lupé Fiasco.

I was actually really surprised. I've never heard Derek sing before, but I'd be lying if I said I never wanted to hear it again.

He sounds really good; like famous good.

I sat up, watching as he flipped through some book -Whoa, hold the hell up, is that my Limited addition Avengers adition one?!

"DEREK!" I screamed, he seriously did not open it from its sealed package, did he?!

Derek looked to me, popping out the earphones and smiling sweetly, "Call my name?"

"Did you open my Comic book!?" I got up quickly and rushed over to his bed.

"Yeah, I loved the movie... these comics are totally different though... Very dramatic-"

"You aren't supposed to open them!" I gaped at him, staring in horror.

"Its a comic book?" Derek furrowed his brows, "Its meant to be read-"

"No! I was going to sell this and make money and now I cant because you took it out of its original packaging." I whined, in complete disbelief that he ruined my limited edition comic.

"Oh..." Derek widened his eyes, "God, I'm super sorry Spence... I was bored and I was gonna ask, I'll pay you back."

I huffed, "Doesnt matter, its ruined. Life over." I grumbled.

"Dont say that." Derek pouted, and I was going to reply and say 'I'm allowed to say whatever the hell I want', but the house phone begam ringing.

I sighed and rushed out of the room to answer it.

I picked it up off the wall, "Hello, Spencer speaking?"

"Hi Spencer, it's Dad, how is everything?" The other end replied, seemingly in a tired voice.

"Oh, hey dad... uh, everything is cool here; what's up?" I twiddled with the curly phone cord.

I seriously question why we still have this kind of phone, since it's completely out dated... I think I remember this phone being here when I was like eight.

"Okay... um, Pattie and I have some things to do here, she's been feeling unwell, the doctors here say she shouldn't travel at the moment, so we might be here until Thursday..." Dad sighed, "Do you mind checking on Justin? Pattie is freaking out because Jason is looking after him."

"Oh he's fine, Dad..." I said in a somewhat 'no need to worry even though I have absolutely no idea' kind of voice, "We are all fine... so Thursday you say? What about school?"

"Obviously I want you all attending school." Dad hummed, "Derek and Jason both have their licences, so either of them are free to use Pattie's car to drive you all to and from school."

"Okay," I smiled, "Uh, I gotta go pee now." I blurted, trying to get off the phone since I wasnt really keen on talking for hours.

"Alright, be safe. Love you." Dad said.

I rose a brow, "Did you say love?"

"Oh shut up, see you later." Dad snorted, before hanging up.

"Love you too, Dad." I rolled my eyes, smiling as I put the phone back up.

"So, who was that?" Derek asked, "And I tried to reseal the comic but its not working."

I groaned, staring at Derek and sighing.

Jason's POV

" I need to go sort shit out before Michael, Zayn, and Ashton hear of this crazyness." I paced back and forth.

Justin crossed his arms, sending me a look that I wasnt sure what it was meant to mean.

"Don't look at me like that." I groaned.

"I can call Nash pretty," Justin huffed, "I can call Derek pretty and I can call anyone I want pretty and you cant be mad at me."

I glared at him, "You cant call just anyone pretty... you can call Derek pretty, but not Nash."

"Why not?" Justin frowned.

"Because I said so." I stared at him.

Justin sent me a sour look, standing up and kicking my drawers, "You... You are just mad because... -Because I didn't call you pretty,"

"That's not why I'm mad." I rolled my eyes, grabbing his wrist and pulling him away from my furnature before he breaks something.

"Yes you are. Well Jason, I think you are pretty too," Justin said grumpily, trying to pry my fingers from his wrist, "But you act ugly and I think you need a... a time out!"

I rose a brow, scoffing, "A time out?" I pulled him closer, "I think you need a time out."

"No," Justin looked at me confused, "Why?"

"Because calling other people pretty is naughty," I shrugged, "It hurts feelings."

"No it doesnt. I'm not naughty." Justin frowned, his eyes widening and started to become watery - was this really going to cause him to cry?

"I get jealous," I admitted, "It makes me think you like Nash more."

"I do like Nash," Justin sniffled, a tear slipping down his cheek, "I like you more though."

"Why are you crying?" I asked, gobsmacked as to why he was even crying.

Justin looked down to his wrist, "You're hurting my hand." He croaked.

I let go quickly, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize." I frowned.

I suddenly felt a harsh kick to my shin, and I let out a squeak.

"Nash is pretty and you're a meanie!" Justin yelled, before running out of the room, giggling.

Did that little bitch just fake cry then kick me?
I underestimated Justin - a lot.

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ps: The song Derek was singing was Battle Scars Parody by Fitzy, Wippa, Guy Sebatian and Lupé Fiasco (Cookie Jars) Its a hilarious song cx

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