Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Jason's POV

"How could you even think that?!" I whined, whacking Luke with a pillow.

Luke let out a laugh, "What are you talking about? You just admitted you liked Derek-"

I cringed, "No!" I gagged a bit, "I-"

"You're in love with Derek, ooh.." Luke grinned, makinh kissy faces, "Derek is your main hoe!"

I was about to protest once again, but the sound of a plastic bowl dropping on the wooden floor distracted me.

I turned to see an absolutely unhappy looking Justin, with half burnt nuggets and a plastic cereal bowl down by his feet.

"Oops," Luke scrunched his nose.

"Why did you say that?" Justin sent a glare towards Luke, clenching his fists.

"Sorry, I didn't really mean Derek was a hoe - it's just that Jason likes him." Luke shrugged.

I was literally trying to get Luke to shut up by waving my arms around and mouthing 'Stop speaking you complete asshole'

But of course he didnt notice.

"But," Justin's voice shook, and I winced.

"Justin, he's an idiot. I don't like Derek." I kicked Luke harshly on the side of his leg before standing up and walking over to Justin.

"But you said-" Luke began, but I was having none of that.

"I told you I liked my step brother - I meant Justin." I cut him off, sighing as I stared at Luke and awaited some form of disgusted reaction.

Luke's lips formed an 'O' as he looked between Justin and I for a few seconds, "I get it now."

"You promise you don't like Derek?" Justin whined from behind me.

"I promise, Justin." I swung an arm around the smaller boy and pulled him close, before kicking the door shut, "You grossed out?" I bit my lip as I asked Luke.

Luke snorted, "What's so bad about you and Justin?"

"I dont know... age difference?" I asked.

"He's what? 14?" Luke asked and I nodded, "The last relationship I had was with a 34 year old, age doesnt worry me..."

I gagged, "What the fuck you dating older men for?"

"First of all, she was a chick and I was trying to be straighy... it may have also helped that she was my Mother's friend." Luke grinned.

"You have issues." I led Justin over to my bed so I could sit down, as well as seating Justin on my lap.

"Your problems are bigger than mine, Jase..." Luke laughed, laying back on the beanbag, "Wait til Derek and his mum find out about your little love fest."

"Love?" Justin grinned and looked at me with curiously wide eyes.

"Like. Love doesn't exactly come that fast, okay?" I sighed apologetically at Justin.

Justin frowned, "Oh."

"Dont worry, I can teach you how to have this bitch falling to his knees for you." Luke smirked, wiggling his brows.

"Luke!" I glared, "Our relationship isnt sexual at all... it never will be."

"The fuck if you're Mrs. Prude, Jason McCann," Luke snorted, "You're a damn rabbit on heat."

"Mrs. Prude?" Justin hummed, "Who's that?"

"That my little friend is Jason." Luke snickerer, "But in all seriousness, what the fuck you mean you two aren't sexual? His balls have to have dropped already-"

"Luke, watch your mouth in front of him." I sneered, "Why dont you tell us all about this Nash crap instead of butting in our sex life."

"You have no sex life." Luke rolled his eyes, "And there's nothing to tell about me and Nash... I like him and all but there isnt much."

"Bullshit, there has to be a reason to like him.." I eyed him, rubbing Justin's hips as I calmed myself from the previous words spoken.

Luke shrugged, looking up at the ceiling as he let out a sigh, "I dont know... after me and you messed around, Nash kind of found out when he read some texts on my phone, and he was so angry about it, so I kissed him... then on Snapchat we decided it would be cool to send nudes to each other... I jokingly saved one of his to my phone, and he freaked out... so he started saving my nudes to his phone..." Luke mumbled as he told me.

"How'd you figure out you had a thing for him?" I asked.

"Did you get sparks when you kissed?" Justin grinned.

I rose a brow, "What would you know about sparks?"

"When we kiss my mouth feels like fireworks." Justin giggled.

"Oh really?" I smirked, licking my lips.

"Hello, bitches... Im telling my story. Shut the fuck up and hold the kissy shit til Im done." Luke huffed childishly.

"Our bad, please continue." I rolled my eyes and rested my chin on Justin's shoulder, smiling as I felt Justin begin playing with my fingers.

"Well, we had an argument over the dumb nudes and I decided to kiss him again at the party, so we did... then he told me to meet him in the car and blah blah blah, thats legit the last time we spoke... he wont return my calls or texts... his phone is either off or he blocked my number." Luke crossed his arms, "I'll fuck him sooner or later, but I do really like the ugly bitch."

"Why are you calling him ugly?" Justin frowned, "I think Nash is pretty, and I like his eyes because they're beautiful."

"You find him attractive?" I sat up and pretty much pushed Justin off my lap.

"Oh dont get butthurt, Jason..." Luke sat up and rolled his eyes, "Justin's sticking up for his friend."

"Did Nash tell you he gave a raging hickey on Justin's neck?" I snapped, crossing my arms.

"What?" Luke looked at me in confusion, laced with hurt.

"Yeah, I fucking lost it when I found out... I had to put Nash in his place... so if Justin is telling me he's attracted to him I'm allowed to be pissed." I huffed.

Justin frowned, "Why?"

"Whoa hold the fuck up, put Nash in his place? What ate you saying?" Luke stared at me.

"Because I like you, and what does it sound like? The idiot didnt have a fall and hurt himself." I rolled my eyes.

"But why cant I say Nash is pretty?" Justin crossed his arms.

"You're the one who broke Nash's wrist and foot?" Luke asked, "You physically abused him for giving Justin a hickey?"

"Dont say it like that," I looked to Luke, ignoring Justin, "It sounds horrible that way-"

"The fuck what it sounds like, its true... No wonder he is too terrified to come back to school!" Luke stood up, spitting at me.

"You don't understand-"

"You're wrong, you have a jealousy issue. To abuse him for sucking on his neck? And I thought I was an asshole." Luke snorted, storming out of the room, opening and slamming the door in rage.

"Why cant I call Nash pretty?" Justin huffed.

I groaned, "Shut up for a moment, I dont need to be bombarded with questions," I got up and walked to the window, watching as Luke exited the house.

I opened it up and popped my head out.

"Luke, I'm sorry!" I yelled out, only to have Luke look back and flip me off.

"If there was an award for being a douche, you'd win it you sinister bastard!" Luke shouted before getting in his van.

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