Chapter Forty-Eight

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(Hunter played by Dylan O'Brien - picture linked to the chapter.)

Jason's POV

I cringed at the salty beach-like smell that surrounded me.

We were about to board this giant cruise ship, but all I could smell was the off-putting beach.

I hated it.

"Have you put your luggage in the trolley?" Pattie asked everyone as she held a clipboard in her hand, trying to keep everything organised as her wedding guests arrived.

I crossed my arms in annoyance as people shoved and poked their way passed me, making me groan.

My friends had already arrived, but they were all flocking to perve on all the other hot cruise goers leaving me to listen to Pattie order everyone around.

Spencer and Derek were with their friends laughing and talking, so I basically had nothing to do.

I was waiting for Justin to arrive, mainly.

I swear he was the last to arrive.

"This is going to be the best trip ever." Zayn suddenly threw an arm over my shoulders, causing me to groan, "I'm so fucking her." he pointed at some random girl.

"She's fifteen." Ashton interrupted and rolled his eyes.

"She is not. Her outfit is too revealing for a fifteen year old." Zayn stated.

"She's my little sister you pig." Ashton punched Zayn's shoulder before stomping off.

"Oh, shit then." Zayn grumbled, before humming, "So, any bitches in your eye sight?"

"Bitches?" I rose a brow.

"Sorry, I've been listening to a lot of rap recently." Zayn grinned, "I'm still in thug form."

I scoffed and chuckled a bit, "Thug form?" I shook my head.

"Justin!" Pattie's voice called happily as she embraced her younger son, my eyes glued instantly.

"Well since you're too busy eye raping your step brother, I'm gonna go annoy Nash." Zayn pulled away, before walking towards the boys.

I felt my cheeks heat up. It isn't that obvious, is it?

After Pattie had a word with Justin, he was out of her sight, his eyes casting towards the ship as he stared at it wide eyed in amazement and curiosity.

I took the opportunity to rush over to him, having pent up all the frustration and questions since the dinner - I was ready to explode on his not so innocent ass.

I raised my finger as I stood in front of him, "You have a lot to-"

"Jason!" Carter suddenly interrupted, placing an arm around me in a friendly manor.

I forced a small smile, "Carter..."

Justin looked up at me and blushed as he giggled, "Hi Jasey, I didn't see you there!"

"I thought maybe us three boys could head up on the ship together. We have so much to talk about, don't you agree?" Carter nudged me a bit.

I pursed my lips, nodding confused. What on earth would we need to talk about?

Derek's POV

"You're sweating." Spencer hummed as we headed up the ramp connected to the ship.

"Its hot. The drive here was long. I got car sick." I rambled, taking each step slowly and cautiously.

"Are you afraid of the ocean? I thought you've been on boats before?" Spencer asked confused.

Liam looked back at us, holding Niall's hand as we made it aboard the ship, "You okay?"

"I'm fine. It's not the boat, I promise." I wish it was.

I was more nervous about something else.... Someone else.

Niall smiled, "You need chocolate cake."

"Niall, not everyone eats when they're nervous." Liam stated as we waited in line to get our cabin numbers.

"I do. It helps a lot." Niall nodded, "And it makes you happy."

I sent him a small smile, "Thanks Niall, but I don't think food would sit well with me right now."

"I thought you were a big eater?" A familiar voice spoke from beside me.

I nearly jumped out of my skin - actually, I literally jumped into Spencer's arms at the sound of his fucking voice.

Spencer groaned, "ow"

"Oh my god, fuck off." I blurted.

"Oh my god, no." Hunter mocked me as he crossed his arms, "Your mother is making me talk to you. Apparently I died, but I didn't get the memo." Hunter narrowed his dark eyes down at me.

I swallowed, not knowing how I was supposed to answer that.

Spencer cleared his throat, "Uh, I'm Spencer. Nice to meet you..."

"Hunter." He replied softly, his eyes staying directly on me.

I could see anger, frustration and sadness swim in them, but I didn't know if it was just reflecting my own emotion.


But still. So little chapters to go.
I'm emotional haha.

This has been my biggest story yet. Thanks for reading so far. X

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