Chapter Forty-Four

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Author's Note; normally put these at the end but I kinda made a mistake on saying Justin and Derek's dad's name was Hunter, I meant to write Carter but for some stupid reason I was writing Hunter, super sorry bout that xx

Spencer's POV

"Mhmm, taco Tuesday. " Derek mumbled in his slumber, rolling over closer to me while I tried to finish my text book.

I blushed as his sleeping figure wrapped an arm around my waist, as well as cocking a leg over my own legs as I sat up against the headboard.

It was at least 10am, the sun was out enough to brighten through my windows and highlight my room with a healthy glow.

I smiled smugly to myself as I spotted the raging purple bruise on Derek's jaw; I gave him a hickey last night, and if I were honest, the sound of his moans filled me with much excitement - which may or may not have led towards Derek giving me another blowjob.

Derek has a habit of sleeping in, and well, it's meant to be a school day, but I couldn't find it in my heart to wake Derek up when he seemed quite tired.

Thing's I've noticed about Derek when he sleeps, is that he has a slight sleep talking stage throughout the night, I want to ask him about his dreams, but I dont want to come off as weird...

I was also beginning to wonder when Derek would return to sleeping in his own bed, lately he'd been joining me during the night and, well, cuddling and whatnot.

I felt Derek jump at the sound of my phone alarm going off, hinting it was a few hours before Pattie and Dad get home.

"Mm, what time is it?" Derek asked groggily, his morning voice deep and hot.

I felt my cheeks heat up, "10:30am."

"Oh," Derek yawned, sitting up as he stretched, "You didnt go to school?" Derek furrowed his brows.

"Slept in," I lied, "I'm kind of hungry, are you?"

"Not really," Derek shook his head, "I need a shower. what time did your dad say they were getting back?"

"I think they said four?" I pursed my lips, "They want Jason, you and I to make dinner, your Dad is coming over tonight with his friend and Justin."

"Oh, terrific." Derek grumbled sarcastically as he got up and grabbed clothes and a towel.

"How come you don't like your dad?" I blurted, before mentally face palming, "Sorry, that was rude of me-"

"No, its fine." Derek shook his head and smiled at me, "Why do you wanna know?"

"I'm curious." I bit my bottom lip, smiling back.

"The world would be fucked if you werent curious," Derek chuckled lightly, before sighing, "He left my mum for some other girl because he had an affair with her... I have three half siblings because of that... and I had an older brother, but my Dad kinda just cut him out of our lives and his own after he got locked up for being involved in a murder." Derek said as if it were nothing, "Do you and Jason have a mum?"

I licked my lips, "Yeah, different mother's though..." I shrugged.

"Oh? Dont see them?" Derek asked, raising a brow.

"Jason's mum is some Crack Whore Hooker, Dad says she tried to sell Jason right after she gave birth to him on a bathroom floor, to feed her drug addiction." I murmured.

"Are you serious? How does Jeremy know that Jason is... his?" Derek whispered.

I cleared my throat, "He had a DNA test so he could get custody - my uncle thought Jason was his for a while, but my Dad proved him wrong... they really dont like each other."

"What about you?" Derek asked softly, "Was your mum like his?"

I snorter a laugh, "No, worse."


"My mother was leader in some gang and is either dead or in hiding." I said, smiling.

"Are you playing a joke on me? Because I'm starting to think your family is part of a drug ring..." Derek laughed a bit.

"Not anymore." I whispered.

"What?" Derek rose a brow.

"Nothing, you should probably have that shower," I quickly shook my head, "I've got to figure out what to cook for dinner." I stood up and marched out of the room.

The things my family had hidden in the closet didnt stop at our sexuality, and I hope those things stay in the past, life is a lot better than what it was two years ago.

Justin's POV

"Justin, you cant talk to some random person offering to sell you a puppy," Daddy scowlded as he held my wrist, pulling me away from the man in a large dirty cost, who was now cursing at my Dad as I got led away.

"But he said I could pet his puppy!" I whined.

"He isn't talking about an actual puppy." Kyle stated as he handed my Daddy and I a hot dog each.


"Justin, please don't argue." Daddy sighed and patted my head with a small smile, "If you're good I'll buy you a lizard to keep at my place."

"The landlord better not find out," Kyle chuckled as he bit into his food.

I beamed, "Really? When? Can we get him now, Daddy? I'll be really good!"

"After I drop off my resumé, Justin." Daddy promised, holding my hand as he walked towards a bunch of buildings.

Kyle was right beside me as we made our way into it.

I giggled, staring at the paintings on the wall, "Daddy, is this an art gallery?"

"Sort of," Dad replied as he walked up to a desk, and began talking to the lady behind it.

I hummed, staring at the drawings and smiling at ones of people.

I bit my hotdog and pouted when the sauce dropped on my shirt.

"Your mother will murder your Dad if he doesnt clean you up before you get home." Kyle chuckled, using the napkin around his hotdog to wipe the sauce off my shirt.

"Come on, you two, lets go get you a lizard." Dad grinned, picking me up.

I squealed a little, "Yus!"

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