Chapter Thirty-Six

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Jason's POV

I was unfortunately woken from my much needed sleep by the unfortunate sounds of yelling, crying and door slamming.

I groaned unhappily as I turned my body to face towards Justin's bed, only to see him crying as he changed from pajamas to grey sweat pants and an overly large Ice Hockey shirt.

He wasnt looking towards me at all, so I dont think he knew I was awake.

Justin sniffled, "Hate Derek." He murmured to himself, emptying his schoolbag on his bed.

I rubbed my forehead with a sigh.

Justin began shoving random items of clothing into his bag as well as one stuffed toy, before angrily zipping it up. He rubbed his eyes, ridding himself of his tears while he grabbed his DS and placed it in his pocket, along with its charger.

I watched in amusement, wondering what he was packing for.

"Never, ever, ever coming back." He mumbled, grabbing my old pair of shoes, and squeezing his feet in it.

"Going on an adventure?" I spoke up, my voice groggy from the lack of use today.

Justin snapped his head over towards me, blushing, "No... I'm going somewhere secret."

I reluctantly sat up, wincing at the throbbing pain in my head, "Does Derek or Spencer know about this?"

Justin shook his head as he stood up, putting his bag on, "I'm running away."

"Oh really?" I tsked, shaking my head, "Did you pack food? Money? What about extra underwear?" I asked, throwing my blanket off of my body.

Justin's cheeks grew red, "No..."

"If you're going to run away, you should really think about what you'll be taking. How about a photo of your Mum? She's surely going to miss you, and you're going to miss her, am I right?" I questioned, getting out of bed and walking over to him.

"I... I dont have a photo." Justin frowned.

"Where are you going to charge your DS? No one's going to just let you stay at their house, Justin... A DS isn't really needed, now is it?" I added, holding my hand out.

Justin stared at my hand, "But I want to play it when I'm bored..."

"You can't if you run away." I stated, "I can give it to someone who wants it, Justin... someone who can use it."

"But, it's mine." Justin frowned more, "I dont want to give it away."

"You're running away, you got nowhere to stay, no money, nothing to keep you warm," I listed, grabbing his hand and pulling him closer, as well as pulling off his bag.

Justin didn't attempt to pull away, while I reached in his pocket and pulled out his DS and charger, "Not to mention when you run away, everyone will be upset and miss you terribly... you know how dark it gets at night?" I asked, leading him to my bed and guiding him to lie down.

I pulled off the shoes from his feet, before climbing in the bed beside him, poking his hip lightly.

"I'd miss you too, Justin." I told him honestly, "I wouldn't be able to give you kisses or cuddles, or even love bites."

"Hickeys?" Justin mumbled softly, holding my hand.

"Yes," I nodded, "So, why are you running away?"

"Derek ruined my life today." Justin told me with a frown, "He made me go to school in my pajamas."

He sounded absolutely serious, and depressed as he spoke those words - but I knew it was just something any teenager would say if they had been embarrassed.

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