Chapter Fifty

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Derek's POV

"I feel like there's a lot of tension going on right now, so I'm just gonna... You know... Check out the place..." Spencer hummed, grabbing Liam's arm as he dragged him away with Niall, leaving Hunter and I.



Oh god.

"So, are you going to explain to me why you keep telling people your ex is dead?" Hunter pursed his lips, lifting his right arm to rub his left slowly.

I watched him carefully, chewing my bottom lip. His arms flexed nicely against his chest.

"I just did, okay?" I shrugged, walking over to a bench to sit down, the boat slowly rocked every now and then causing my stomach to twist and turn.

Hunter followed and sat down, cringing as he placed his hands in his lap.

"What was that?" I blurted, a little concerned, "Are you in pain?"

"Yeah, but I'm used to it." Hunter rolled his eyes.

Used to it? How long had the pain been going on?

"Have you seen a doctor?" I murmured.

"Of course I have... They all say the same thing..." Hunter leant back and continued to rub his left arm, "I have Chronic Pain."

"Whats that?" I asked, biting my bottom lip as I eyed Hunter.

His darker eyes glanced around, and I tried not to notice the obvious glint he had in them. His eyes were always beautiful though.

"Its a pain that's continuously appearing for more than six months." Hunter looked back at me, sighing, "It constantly fucking hurts and I can't do fuck all about it."

"I'm sorry." I frowned. I really was sorry. The thought of Hunter in pain for so long honestly hurt me.

"You should be." Hunter glared, "I wouldn't have been driving if it wasn't for you... You just had to fucking drink too."

The words felt like knives stabbing into my chest, and I pushed back the urge to cry out in frustration - talking to Hunter made me emotional and I fucking hate it.

"I wasnt going to be the only one sober!" I snapped back, "Just so you could fucking have fun and leave me out like you always had."

"You gave me the keys to the car and let me drive knowing I have seven beers that night, Derek." Hunter groaned, "You shouldn't have started drinking and you shouldn't have let me drive."

Now he's blaming me for the car crash?

I felt my cheeks heat up as well as the tears, "I shouldn't always have to be the responsible one. I am younger than you."

"But you'd always been fine up until then. You let popularity get the best of you." Hunter pointed out.

Maybe I did, maybe I just wanted to fit in. I was always eager to be that one guy who was friends with everyone... And I did that by impressing them.

"You can talk, you dumped me through a text after." I stated bitterly, angrily wiping at tears that began flowing down my cheeks.

"I had to break up with you." Hunter pursed his lips, his voice softening, "Mum and dad didn't want me having anything to do with you... They thought our relationship was toxic... I'm shocked they even wanted me to come on this cruise for your mum's wedding... But then again they love free shit." he spat out the last words bitterly.

"You broke up with me because of them?" I asked confused, "Then why did you say all those hurtful things... Like about me being clingy and annoying...."

"I had to say it... How else could I push you away?" Hunter pursed his lips.

I sighed, "What now?"

"I dont fucking know..." Hunter stood up, "But if I hear more bullshit about you spreading rumours of me dying, I'll throw you off the railings of this ship." he stated bluntly, walking off.

I bit my lip, trying to push back all the feelings I've ever had for Hunter... But after talking all I could think about was the memories we've shared. Good and bad.

Maybe I was in love with him... Maybe I still was.

"Is everything okay?" Spencer popped up out of nowhere, sitting beside me.

I rubbed the dry tears from my cheek, faking a smile at him, "Yeah. I'm fine..."

Spencer didn't look at all convinced, but he smiled back, "since its our first night on a cruise, I thought maybe we should have a cute date or something..." Spencer hummed, "What do you think?"

I nodded, "Sounds fun..."

His cheeks went red as he grinned, "Okay, ten o'clock, Ice cream at the dairy bar and then you and I can watch the entertainment in the theatre centre."

I chuckled lightly, "Its a date."

Spencer stood up and walked away, giggling to himself.

The sound of his laughter brought joy to my heart - but I think I'm starting to feel undeniably guilty.

Author's Note; I tried making it longer but I wanted to be a bitch and add more drama to this book with Spencer and Derek because they're starting to become outcasted by Justin and Jason's beautiful relationship lmao.


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