Chapter Forty-Seven

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A few weeks later

Jason's POV

There were three things bothering me at this exact moment. Thing's that no matter how much I tried to shake off, I just couldn't.

1. Justin has spent pretty much every day since the dinner with his dad, avoiding me. Even at school he somehow managed to stay completely away from me. Did he panic and refuse to look at me after what he'd done?

2. My father is marrying Pattie in two days, and we're leaving for the cruise today. I was not looking forward to watching a wedding - I'd rather throw up and eat my vomit.

3. I had to invite all my friends just to please my stupid Dad, so the guest list was used up. Now I have to deal with my annoying friends, and their family.... I actually invited Nash despite our non-existant communication.

I dont know why I haven't talked to Nash much, guess it was the whole thing that happened with him and Luke and myself... but I'd get over it someday.

I guess what annoyed me most was Justin not talking to me... it didnt really matter though, I was going to see him today and demand an explanation.

I'm just not sure whether or not he'll be willing to explain to me....

Spencer's POV

"You're not actually packing that are you?" I furrowed my brows as Derek shoved Fifty Shades Of Grey (the novel) into his suitcase.

"I'm on the fifth chapter and I'm fucking in love." Derek sighed happily, zipping his bag up.

I cringed, "I'm not sure if I like the idea of that story. Whipping someone and having a bondage type of relationship-"

"Don't knock it til you try it." Derek winked, grabbing me by the shirt and pulling me close.

I felt my cheeks heat up, and my glasses begin to fog up from that moment. I'm not seriously getting worked up over this, am I?

I forced a scoff, "Psh, as if."

Derek smiled and pulled my glasses off my face, pressing a small yet firm kiss to my lips.

The kiss was quick, but it still had me on cloud nine.

To say Derek and I became more so intimate over the passed few weeks would be correct. Every time that bedroom door locked, clothes flew off and our hands got busy.

No, we haven't had sex. Just a standard - and incredibly tasteful - blow job was given and received to each other most nights.

Yes, I've actually gotten over my fear of sucking dick. It's still not as great as everyone on Tumblr says it is.

The penis tastes like sweat and skin and it's not a fucking lolly, and semen most definitely doesn't taste as amazing as everyone says.

It's bitter, and reminds me of flem.

I haven't been able to swallow it, either. Derek's now used to a face full of his own load now, I've spat on him countless times - but he's found humour within the embarrassment, so we good.

"Are you horny again?" Derek snickered, patting my cheek softly.

I blushed and narrowed my eyes at him, "Uh, no." I lied.

"A genius like you shouldn't deny when he's feeling the heat." Derek grinned, "Too bad we have to wait til we're on the cruise ship, because it's almost time to leave."

I frowned noticing we only had twenty minutes to be downstairs and headed to the car.

"I wish I could stop that frown, but I've got six pairs of skinny jeans to fold." Derek pulled away and walked over to his bed.

I smiled a little, "I packed three days ago." I laughed, sitting on my bed before watching him.

"Good for you, you could give me a hand and fold my underwear then" Derek chuckled, and I rolled my eyes playfully.

We better be sharing a room.

Justin's POV

"Justin, our neighbour is gonna look after Percy, he'll be fine." Daddy sighed as I held the box my lizard was in closely to my chest.

I didnt wanna let my baby go. He was my new best friend.

Don't tell Niall.

"You can't take him on the cruise, buddy." Kyle sighed and leant beside me as I sat on the staircase near my dad's front door.

"He's gonna think I'm leaving him forever." I whined, shaking my head.

"But you're not." Kyle patted my back soothingly, "Its not for long, bud." He promised.

I whined, but slowly let Daddy take my baby away. I felt my eyes water up as he walked him over to his neighbour and handed him to the guy.
Kyle cooed, "Come on, it's gonna be fun on the cruise... You'll get to see Jason."

Daddy came back over and sighed, "The taxi should be here." he leant down and picked me up while Kyle grabbed the luggage.

I buried my face in his neck while I cried a little. I didnt want to leave Percy behind. It wasn't fair.

He doesn't even like Evan - Daddy's neighbour. He always tries to get away from him.

"You're getting too big to carry." Daddy laughed softly as he walked down the steps, "Growing up so fast."

Kyle groaned, "What the hell did you pack, Carter? A bowling ball?"

"Yes, because I need a bowling ball on a cruise ship." Daddy replied.

I whined into his neck, wanting him to pay attention to my sadness.

"Justin, don't be a Debby Downer." Daddy poked my side as he placed me on the ground in the lobby of his apartment building.

"I want Percy." I huffed.

"And I want to marry Adam Lambert but we can't always get what we want." Kyle stated, causing my dad to send him a glare.

"Mr. Bieber, your cab is here." the doorman, Richard said.

Despite not being able to bring Percy, I can't wait to see Jason.

Author's Note: I'm a shit author I'm sorry lol.

This update took way too long to be uploaded but yeah... Ooh just a heads up, like a few more chapters til I post a sequel.

Yes, I said a few more chappies til a sequel don't shoot me.

Please leave some comments bellow I have no confidence haha and I'm fishing for likes don't judge me.

PS: Justin's nudes were fucking amazing but talk about invasion of privacy. (don't give me that bs that it was a publicity stung bc nobody's nudes should be leaked regardless.) Jeremy's Tweet about his sons ding dong had me screaming tho.

'what are you feeding that thing? #proud daddy' JEREMY YOU HARDCORE BEAST I'M IN LOVE

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