Chapter Fourteen

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Jason's POV

"Jason, I need to tell you something..." Nash sighed deeply as he sat at the table.

I was shoving my lunch back in my bag, since the bell had only just gone and all our friends headed to class.

I rolled my eyes at Nash, still a bit pissed off over the yesterday. Its his fault Justin thinks we're boyfriend's.

"You gonna tell everyone about what happened or not?" I snapped, not really knowing why I was cranky at him at this exaxt moment.

We were talking fine with each other in class, but as soon as I found out Derek was gay, I kinda just got a little pissed off.

Why the hell am I even pissed?

"It's about Justin, look, I know we-"

"Shut the fuck up about Justin, Nash. You will never get with him," I growled, glaring at him. How dare he mention Justin?

Nash opened his mouth to speak,  but I once again cut my friend off.

"He doesnt like you, and quite frankly at the moment I dont like you. You think everyone wants to fuck you?" I sneered.

Wow I do have anger problems.

"Well here's a little tip, Nash. No one wants sloppy left overs!" I couldnt believe I was word vomitting all this crap, but hey, he needs to hear it. He's not having Justin, he can go fuck a tree or something.

Nash just pursed his lips, crossing his arms, as his eyes casted to the doors of the school, "How the fuck am I left overs?" His voice trembled, which is when I realized I may have stepped over the line.

Did I really just say all of that to my best friend? Well, apparently best friend... I dont know. We've been friends since Kindergarten.

Sometimes I dont think before I speak,  and I guess this is one of those weeks were I just speak without biting my tongue.

"I... uh.." I was going to apologize for what I said, but I'm not even sure if I was actually sorry for it.

"Just because I've told you about all my sexual interactions, it doesnt make me a slut, o-or some sloppy second, left overs... I was just..." Nash growled at himself, and I noticed how he was clawing his own arms - something he does whenever he's stressed - his eyes squeezing shut, before he huffed, "Forget it!" He spat, "Fuck you, I wont even tell you!" And with that he stormed off into the school.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, "Why the fuck is there so much drama!" I yelled, sitting back down and burying my face into my hands.

Derek's POV

I sat in my science class, beside Spencer since we shared the lesson.

I was lost in my own thoughts as I stared down at my text books, thinking about a certain someone, Hunter to be exact.

The only person that really knows what happened is probably my Mum, and Hunter's family - and well, I wanted to tell someone, just to get it off my chest.

And that stupid jerk, Luke, had to go ahead and ruin my day at the mention of Hunter. I mean, okay, he might not have been a total dick, because he probably doesnt know the whole story, but he did happen to blurt out that I was gay in front of Jason and all his friends.

I havent even told my old friends back at home about me being gay... I think now the only people who do know is Spencer, my mum, Justin I suppose, and now Jason and his stupid friends.

"Do you need some help?" Spencer asked softly, making me look at him and forget about those thoughts momentarily.

"No?" I furrowed my brows.

Spencer rose a brow, glancing at my book, the up at me, "We have to have the whole method written in our books, and your book is blank so far... I can quickly write it for you... I do it for the football team when they dont have time.."

I frowned, "What to you get in return?"

"Nothing?" Spencer furrowed his brows, "I'm just nice enough to do that for them."

"Yeah, but if you do it for the whole team, its kind of using you." I stated, not sure if I felt comfortable with these Football players getting Spencer to do their work for them.

Spencer shrugged, "I just like to help them. It doesnt matter."

"It does to me." I grumbled, starting to copy the method into my book.

Spencer didnt say much to that, he just looked down at his book, making me sigh.

Why was I even annoyed with the fact he does that for the football team? Spencer can do what he wants...

Justin's POV

I stood in the closet for a while, humming boredly as I waited for Nash.

I wanted to hurry up and learn sex so I could get to class, and then tonight I was gonna get Jason to like me.

Its a foolproof plan, I can do this.

The door swiftly opened and closed, and I watched as Nash bit his lip harshly, relaxing as he leant his back against the door.

"How come you're late?" I huffed, a little upset at him, but not too much.

Nash shrugged slightly, "I had to talk to Jason..." He mumbled, "But that didnt work out as much as I hoped... so, guess I need to do this differently." He licked his lips.

"Oh?" I hummed confused, "Are you still gonna show me what sex is?" I asked.

"Uh," Nash stood up a bit, "Come here, let me do this properly." He took off his jacket, smiling slightly as he held out a hand in my direction.

I took it and allowed him to pull me closer to him, and blushed when his lips brushed against my ear.

"Promise you wont tell anyone what we do next?" He whispered.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because its very important, please promise?" He mumbled.

"Okay, I promise." I nodded, my cheeks still flustered.

I'm really nervous now.

Author's Note; I have a pimple in my ear omfg. Idk if any of you get pimples but I am prone to acne I swear!!

Any who,  Do any of you watch Pretty Little Liars? I've only seen up to season four because I have to wait for the DVD's to come out which sucks, but eh. Whats your favorite TV Show?

Ps: I love you guys and thanks for reading! What on earth shall happen next? *secretely smirking I'm sorry*

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