Chapter Thirteen

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Derek's POV

I debated whether it was worth sitting with Jason during lunch, but with my palms sweaty, I grew enough balls to walk towards the area he sat at yesterday.

Jason was currently on his phone as he sat at the table, while his friends were seemingly distracted in their conversation.

I sighed deeply, I'd rather be with Spencer, but no, he wants to be the peacekeeper and make this family shit work. As if spending lunch with Jason will make things work?

I walked over and crossed my arms, clearing my throat as I stood beside Jason.

He glanced up at me, as did everyone else at the table.

"Oh, you actually came?" Jason rose a brow.

"Well I'm not sitting by my fucking self, dick." I snorted.

Jason proceeded to roll his eyes, shoving his phone in his jackets pocket, "Whatever."

"Ooh, so is this your other step brother?" A guy with bright blue eyes perked up.

"Derek, Nash," Jason pointed, "Thats Luke, Ashton, Zayn and Michael." He pointed.

I looked at each of them, biting my lip when I stared at Luke. Where do I know him from?

He looks really familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.

"Derek, huh?" Luke furrowed his brows, "Hmm..." He hummed, lost in his thoughts momentarily.

"Are we missing something? Do you guys know each other?" Nash piped up, furrowing his brows.

"Oh now I remember! You're that gay guy who fucked Hunter at that party, right?" Luke pointed, as if he figured out the hardest math problem.

My cheeks burned furiously as the boys stared curiously at me. Well thanks for being a dipshit, Luke.

"Oh so you're gay?" Jason asked, a bit surprised.

"How's Hunter, by the way?" Luke grinned.

Then it hit me on exactly how I remember Luke, he was that prick who walked in on Hunter and I doing something that definitely was R rated, and then asked to join.

No comment on what happened after that, I was drunk and easily convinced that's all you should know.

"He's dead." I muttured, turning on my heels and storming away.

I knew it was a fucking bad idea to hang out with Jason and his stupid ugly as hell friends.

Well they arent exaxtly ugly, but I can say what I want.

Justin's POV

"And then he pinned me to a tree." I giggled as Niall and I sat on the grass, a few feet away from Spencer and his friends.

"Oh, did you scream?" Niall asked, biting into his donut, chewing with his mouth open as the chocolate icing went all over his cheeks, "I would have screamed." He said with a mouthful.

I shrugged, "I told him it hurt me, but then he.. he," I looked around and leant forward, whispering, "He kissed me." I blushed.

I dont really know why I was telling Niall everything,  but he's my friend, my first best friend.

Nash wasnt talking to me today, though, he was hanging out with the boy who moved into our class today... I think his name is Michael, because he hangs out with Jason at lunch.

Niall widened his eyes, swallowing the food in his mouth, "Really? I never had my first kiss!" He practically shouted.

"Niall," Liam - Niall's older brother - said in a warning tone, "You won't have your first kiss until you're forty."

"Oh dont be mean, Lee." Spencer chuckled, as did the others.

Niall blushed and frowned, "I need to go to the toilet." He stood up and dusted some of the grass off his shorts, before taking another bite from his donut.

I watched him walk away and sighed, laying on the grass as boredom began to eat at me. I kinda wished I was with Jason - but he needs to be punished first.

He said some really mean things, and I don't think he realizes how much that hurt. I cried a lot last night.

I dont think Jason knew, but while I was in my own bed, I covered my head and cried into the pillows. People might think that's silly, but when you're upset, crying is sometimes the only thing you can do.

"Hey Justin, could you do me a favor?" Spencer smiled at me, so I pushed myself to sit up, before standing on my two feet, giving him a nod in response, "Could you take this over to the trash can? I gotta help Liam with this math problem."

He held out a ball of rubbish from their lunch, causing me to scrunch my nose, and grab it, "Okay."

I scanned the yard for the nearest bin, before making my way over to one near the basketball courts.

I smiled and walked over, happily throwing the rubbish in it.

"Boo." Someone covered my eyes from behind, causing me to scream, "Hey, calm down!" A laugh sounded in my ear before my body was turned around.

Taking their hands away, I scowlded.

"Nash! That was mean." I pouted.

"Awe, I'm sorry." Nash cooed, "So how are you and Jason going? Having fun with your boyfriend?"

I bit my lip, "He and I are having a fight." I frowned.

"Awe, you poor thing." Nash pouted, ruffling my hair, "Is he acting like a douche?"

I nodded, sighing as I crossed my arms.

"You know what, he's my best friend and I know how he gets... I bet it's cause he wants to have a bit more intamacy?" Nash pursed his lips to the side.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brows.

"Well, Jason kind of likes the booty... maybe he wants a bit of sexual orientation going on, hey?" Nash smiled widely.

"What's that?" I asked, frowning. Could this be all my fault why Jason is mad?

"You dont know what sex is?" Nash rose a brow.

"Um, no?" I bit my bottom lip, "Can you show me?"

Nash coughed wildly, widening his eyes, "Me?"

I nodded, "You seem to know a lot about this, I just want Jason to like me."

Nash looked around, "Uh... you know what... meet me in the janitors closet after lunch... the room near the boys toilets, yeah? I think I can sort this all out, Okay?" He grinned.

I smiled, "Thank you Nash! You're a really good friend!" I giggled.

Nash chuckled lightly,  "Er, yeah... as soon as the bell goes, head over there." He winked, patting my shoulder before walking away.

Ooh, Nash is gonna show me what sex is, and Jason's gonna like me!

Best. Day. Ever.

Author's Note; Oh this is gonna sound bad but there is going to be a bit of a drama-ish eventful next few chapters xD

Dont hurt meh (/-\)

And apologies for taking a bit to upload this chapter,  uh... I had some personal issues with one of my best friends today, so I spent most of the day crying, unable to write much.

We worked everything out for the moment, so I'm good for now.

So here's my question for you lovely people; How do you describe your best friend? (Whomever they may be, boy, girl, cat, dog, rock?)

And as relationshippy as this sounds, my best friend is my world, (im not lesbian with her, haha!) she honestly means so much to me. If I lost her in any sort of way, it would tear me apart.

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