Chapter Five

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Pattie's POV

Justin hid behind my back as I led him into the school with Jeremy.

It wasn't a very large school, but it was a two story building with apparently 40 class rooms, and 20 other rooms.

Jeremy was holding my right hand as we made our way to the main office,  almost directly across from the school's entrance.

"Mummy, I dont like it here." Justin whined as students maneuvered through the hall.

"Calm down." I mumbled gently as we entered the office.

I tried to ignore the fact Justin stomped his feet grumpily, earning a few stares from other children, parents and teacher's...

I grabbed Justin's wrist and pulled him to the front desk with me, Jeremy standing on my left, "Hi, excuse me, but I'm Pattie Mallette, and my son's have just started here-"

"Justin Bieber, and Derek Bieber?" The man at the desk smiled, his piercing on his bottom lip making me cringe slightly - okay Pattie, let's not judge.

I cant help it, he looks like he's barely twenty and has piercings on his face. How does he even maintain a job here? He looks-

Patricia, what on earth bit your arse today?

I shook my head at my rude thoughts, "Yes, which class will Justin be in?"

"2S upstairs," He smiled, "I will gladly have him shown to the classroom, we normally dont allow parents to roam the school halls unless necessary." He said.

I frowned, but nodded, "Right, uh, will he be alright?"

"Of course, the Principle will most likely show him to his class. Just sit him on the couch and we will get right on it." He sent me a thumbs up, and I bitterly nodded my head, dragging Justin to the couches.

"Alright Derek, sit here and be good." I said to him, kissing his cheek.

"I'm not Derek!" He screeched, sending me a slight glare.

I groaned, "Sorry, Justin." I corrected myself.

I mean come on, all mothers mistake their child's name once in a while, don't lose your shit, kids.

Jeez, I am grouchy today, aren't I?

"Sit here, and dont run off, darling." I gave him a small hug.

Justin frowned and hugged back, "I dont want to be here by myself."

"You'll be fine, have fun sweetheart." I smiled, grabbing Jeremy's hand before walking out.

I didn't bother to spare Justin a glance as I walked away, because knowing me I'd take him home and cuddle him to make him feel better. He never liked being at school by himself, but hopefully Derek will see him at school and make sure Justin was okay and settling alright.

"You seemed eager to drop him off." Jeremy snickered as we exited the school.

I looked to him, rolling my eyes, "Well if I didnt do it faster, he would probably still be with us."

"Awe, are you getting emotional?" Jeremy teased, pinching my cheek.

I huffed, "Oh hush, it's like it's his first actual day at an actual high school, excuse me for worrying about my baby."

"He's not a baby, Pattie." Jeremy smiled, "Despite his autism, he's still a growing young man... soon enough he'll bring home a girlfrie-"

I slapped Jeremy's chest quite hard, "Dont you dare scare me, Jeremy!"

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