Chapter Thirty

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Derek's POV

Okay, I felt really bad for what I did to Spencer's comic - how was I supposed to know I wasnt meant to open it - I was just really tempted to read The Avengers Comic strip, since I've never read it before.

Spencer was mad, but not that mad surprisingly.

I sat on the couch, sighing to myself while I searched through Ebay for the same comic - if I had to by one to make him happy, I will.

"My friend's are coming over, hope you don't mind?" Spencer popped his head in the lounge room, causing me to glance up at him.

"All cool, did you want me to give you space for you and your friends? I can go out." I said, hoping it'd put me completely on his good side.

Spencer frowned, shaking his head, "You're more than welcome to hang out with us - they like you... Plus Liam's bringing his little brother Niall, since Niall's been bugging him about Justin or something."

I smiled, "Alright, cool."

Jason grumbled as he walked downstairs, "Where's Justin?"

"How are we supposed to know? You're meant to be watching him." I narrowed my eyes at him, standing up.

"He turned evil and kicked me," Jason crossed his arms, "His mood swings worry me."

"Justin!" I yelled loudly, hoping Justin would follow my voice.


He better not be playing hide and seek; a few times Justin has decided to play hide and seek on me and my Mum without telling us - it took us two hours to find Justin hiding under the sink in the cupboard in the kitchen.

He thought he was absolutely genius for it - but of course my mother and I were anything but pleased. I almost died of a heart attack.

That had to be the first time I had ever cried over Justin - I personally thought he was kidnapped and it surprises me how much you find out you love your sibling after something as crazy as that happens.

"He didn't go out the front door, I locked it right after Luke left." Spencer spoke up.

I huffed, "I swear sometimes he takes the piss out of doing this." I mumbled, walking out of the room and into the kitchen, checking the cupboards first.

"Snow!" A squeal coming from the backyard made me jump.

I ran to the back door, groaning once I realized it was wide open and the view of Justin jumping on small piles of snow was the first thing I saw.

"Justin!" I snapped, glaring at my barefoot little brother, with no signs of a jumper on him, just some oversized clothing from before - I wonder whose clothes he's even wearing, they're certainly not his.

Justin looked at me with completely innocent eyes, smiling widely, "Hi Der! Wanna play?"

"No, get inside you idiot." I groaned.

"But the snow." Justin pouted. Ha, that shit doesnt work on me.

"Inside." I commanded in a deep voice, eying him hard.

Justin stared at me, fiddling his fingers together, before mumbling lowly, "no." he quietly stated.

I glared, "Justin Drew Bieber, get your arse inside before I come out there and make you." I threatened.

I didnt want to go outside, hell I wasn't even wearing shoes myself.

"Um, no." Justin shook his head slowly.

"That's it." I spat, reluctantly stepping outside to chase after him.

And there Justin goes, screaming loudly with a high-pitched tone, trying to get away from me by running for his life.

We ran in circles around the back yard, my feet burning against the snow. It was fucking freezing.

"No!" Justin screamed as he ran towards the house, I of course was hot on his trail.

He ran inside, slamming the door shut in my face.

Just as I grabbed the door handle to open it, I heard a click! making it unable for me to open the back door.

I glared, "Justin, you little runt!" I slammed my fists against the door.

Did he seriously just lock me outside?

I could hear the twats giggling from the other side.

"Ha, ha!" He sung, pressing his head against the window beside the door.

I glared at him, "You're so dead, Justin."

He grinned, his face squished against the glass while he giggled madly, licking the glass as well.

I cringed, "Let me in, or I'll kill you." I glared.

Justin pulled away and grinned, "No, meanie butt."

"You are so dead!" I shouted, hitting the window harshly, but not enough to break it.

"I'll tell Mummy." Justin poked his tongue out.

"She'll ground you." I spat, growling a bit.

"Well you're stuck out there and I'm inside so ha, ha!" Justin grinned.

I've never wanted to strangle him more than right now.

I was about to send another death threat, but hallelujah, Jason walked over and practically picked Justin up by the waist, causing him to squeak, before he leant over and unlocked the door for me.

Fantastic, Justin is in for it now.

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