Chapter Forty-Five

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Justin's POV

"I look like a hobo, Carter." Kyle whined as he tugged the collar of his shirt.

I giggled, poking my finger on the lizard Daddy bought me earlier. His name is Percy.

He was really tiny, the size of the tip of my finger! Oh, and he was green.

"You look perfect, why are you so worried?" Daddy laughed as he helped Kyle put a tie on.

"Perfect? We're having dinner with your ex fiancé, and I need to look hot."

"First of all, Pattie and I haven't been together for up to thirteen, fourteen years now. It doesnt matter." Daddy rolled his eyes.

"Can I bring Percy?" I piped up, closing the lid to his box.

"We're taking my motorcycle, Justin. Best if we left him here, okay?" Daddy smiled and grabbed the box, before placing Percy in his new cage.

I rubbed my nose and pouted, "Fine."

Kyle sighed, "Okay, should we bring like a tray of light snacks to be respectful?"

"Shut up, Kyle." Daddy replied, "Calm down before you freak out, yeah?"

Kyle flipped him off and I gasped.

"Okay, lets get going." Daddy helped me to my feet, before picking up my backpack, "Are you staying another night or are you staying home?"

"Um, staying another night!" I decided.

Daddy nodded while Kyle grabbed their jackets.

"All set?" Kyle smiled.

"Yeah, you can grab some clean clothes when we leave tonight, come on." Daddy smiled.

I held his and Kyle's hands quickly, and began skipping out the front door excitedly.

Derek's POV

"One quick one before they come inside?" I pouted at Spencer.

Spencer rolled his eyes, "You said that at least seven times, now." He chuckled.

"Can we make it eight?" I grinned.

Spencer smiled, leaning forward and kissing me softly before pulling back, "Okay, now go unlock the front door for them while I put on the corn."

"Oh, we'd be an excellent husband and wife, you'd be my perfect little house wife while I would be the masculine army man who goes out and shoots bitches, then comes home for a nice hot meal." I winked.

"I'm going to ignore the fact that that statement was incredibly sexist as well as rather stupid, because I somehow found it sweet." Spencer rolled his eyes with a grin, before leaving the room.

I smiled and shook my head, marching out of the bedroom and to the front door.


"Oh, it's so good to be home." Mum beamed while hugging me close to her, "You smell like after-shave, what on earth are you shaving?" Mum snorted, pinching my cheeks.

I rolled my eyes at her, "For your information, I do grow hair, mother. On my chin, on my upper lip, on my legs, and armpits, I even groe hair on my ba-"

"Derek, if you dare finish that sentence, you'll be spending the whole cruise in whichever room you sleep in." Mum scolded, pulling away.

"I've got all the bags in the bedroom, we can unpack tomorrow." Jeremy walked downstairs with a grin.

"Thank you, but I could have helped. I'm pregnant, not crippled." Mum leant over and kissed Jeremy's cheek.

I cringed at the sight, "Keep it in the bedroom." I murmured.

Mum sent me a glare, "It didnt stop you from hooking up in front of your brother at the old place, did it?"

"I didnt even have a proper door, and I didnt know he was watching." I whined.

"Whatever, I'll kiss my fiancé wherever I want." Mum grinned, leaning in to kiss Jeremy.

I gagged and ran out of the room, determined to avoid the image of my mother snogging Jeremy, it was beyond disgusting.

I just wanted to get dinner over and done with so I could take Spencer into the room and just practice our couply shit together.

Something about Spencer had me drawn in, he was quite different to the type of boys I normally date... even different to most of the girls too.

Maybe it was because he was insanely intelligent, but yet completely oblivious. Even if he's my step-brother, I know there's a connection building between us and I lovw it.


Author's Note; Sorry its short, haven't exactly been on my A-Game lately.

But, I won't annoy anyone with depressing stuff, because it'd be dumb of me to dump my bs on people that make me extremely happy with their kind words :)

So anyway, do they have Bromance awards going on at the moment? I feel like voting for my favorite stories and haven't got a clue how to do it lol. Ive never participated in voting before haha

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