Character Ask; Answers

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Answered by the characters in this book! Enjoy ;)

Jason's POV

Question; Are you ever gonna admit that you're attracted to Justin and you want to be with him before I scratch your eyes out?

Answer: Well, first of all, I wont admit it out loud; I mean, yeah he's cute and all... but he's autistic... like... it's kinda wrong in some sense,  isn't it? I am already taking advantage of him so... Why would I even tell him I like him? Kissing is already weird with him.
Question: Do you have a kink? would you be kinky with Justin why are you so mean to him

Answer: Okay, this is sexual lol... uh, maybe... I mean, I like being rough with someone.... you know, kind of gripping them by their throat, pushing them against something and fucking them senseless. that would be hot... but no, I couldnt do that with Justin.... If I did I can picture him running away bawling his eyes out, wouldnt you? Im mean because I can be :P
Question: 1.Why are you so sexy? 2. Why are you being a dick? 3. We all know you like Justin so why not ask him out?

Answer: 1. Because I work out? I dunno, guess my ugly parents created a miracle sex god? We'll never know. 2. You know what they say, you are what you eat- Okay, that didnt sound right... oops. 3. Why dont you ask him out? Why do I have to? I dont want to come across being a pedo or some shit...
Question: Hii Jason, first of all you sexyy thing,  do you have a kink? like if u n Justin got it on, would you like have a kink to it? What song would you masterbate to?

Answer: Well aren't you a tad disturbing? lol... uh yeah, I do have a kink, and I would love to do it with Justin but again, I dont want to be a pedo... lol I'd masterbate to Kings Of Leon - Sex Is on fire.
Question: omg Jason you're so lucky you got someone as cute as Justin. are you gonna take Justin on a date and make out.

Answer: I'm lucky? how? and uh, no I dont want to go out in public too much with him... people will think wrong
Question: If u hurt Justin I'll come after you with my gun!! xD still love you ♥

Answer: Oh wow lol... luv ya too?  Im kinda worried you'd shoot me if I didnt respond with an ily back haha
Question: Will you ever admit you at least tolerate Justin?

Answer: Uh, no? Do I have to?
Question: Why are you so mean to Justin,  you douche. He still has a problem.

Answer: First of all I never asked for a step brother with problems - hell, I never asked for a nerdy brother like Spencer.... I'm mean to Spencer so yeah... guess its the bro package you get with me?
Question: What Will you do if Nash did something bad to Justin? Ps: Dont be mean to Justin.

Answer: I'd cut his balls off, why do you ask? :>
Question: Yours freaking sexy beast but anywhore do you think Justin is cute? if you don't like him just letting u in on a little secret *whispers* your the same person.

Answer: Justin does have some cute qualities I suppose... as to your second part, I beg to differ. Justin is Justin, and I'm Jason... we are two seperate individuals, I of course withhold more sexyness than he does,  therefore Im more likable. :P He sucks.
Question: Why do you all of a sudden take a liking towards Justin? If Pattie is bothering him or so, let her.

Answer: I havent initially taken a liking towards him as a person... more so his looks? I dunno, but Pattie is kinda bitchy if you ask me, and since she's my step mum, I dont like her so... yup.
Question: If you don't like Justin, why did you kiss him?

Answer: No comment? I dunno... guess I thought with my dick? Why am I being interrogated?  Blame Justin... not me.
Question: If you're gay, what's up with the posters?

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