Chapter Twenty

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Jason's POV

"Are you okay, you seem a bit annoyed?" Luke whispered beside me as we sat in class. I had a lesson with Luke and Ashton, so I'm surprised we aren't creating a ruckus at the moment.

"Just thinking." I murmured, rubbing my temples.

"About?" Luke asked, bringing a bag of chips from his bag.

"Mr. Hemmings, are you eating in my class?" The teacher asked suddenly, causing eyes to aim directly at Luke.

It wasnt a surprise, one of us always gets in trouble during class.

"I haven't had the chance to yet, sir." Luke grumbled, running a hand through his blonde hair.

"Put it away and finish the text book work sheet." The teacher pointed warningly.

Luke huffed and did as told, putting the chips back in his bag as the door to the classroom opened.

"Hey Mr. Dunphy, I was wondering if I could borrow Jason." Mr. Styles stood at the door, with a sweet smile.

I furrowed my brows and looked up at him confused, while my friends were snickering.

"You're probably in trouble." Luke grinned.

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up."

"For how long?" Our teacher questioned him.

"He might need to bring his bag, it's fairly important." Mr. Styles said, clearing his throat.

Mr. Dunphy sighed, "Alright, grab your bag McCann."

I kept my mouth shut while I grabbed my things and walked over to Mr. Styles, following him out and down the hall.

"What's this about?" I asked.

"Liam needs you." Mr. Styles said with a frown, leading me upstairs towards his classroom.

Who the hell is Liam? The name is familiar but I don't hang out with any Liam.

"What?" I furrowed my brows.

Mr. Styles led me into his classroom, where his students were just freely doing as they pleased, heck, even Michael was in this class, texting off his phone.

"You," Some guy walked over to me as Mr. Styles walked over to his students.

"Liam I'm guessing?" I crossed my arms, scanning the room for Justin, since this was his class.

"My little brother is missing at some park place with your step brother." He said with a hard voice.

"What?" I furrowed my brows, looking at him.

"That Justin kid told Niall about some secret place you showed him. And now they're both lost within some trees and if I dont have my little brother back by the end of school, I will make your life living hell." He spat venomously.

"A please could do you some good." I snorted, not liking his attitude.

"A punch in the face could do you some too," He rolled his eyes, "So are you going to show me or do I have to call your father instead?"

I crossed my arms, "Whatever, let's make this quick." I grumbled.

Justin's POV

"I'm hungry." Niall whined, frowning. I huffed, a little angry.

He's hungry? He just ate two bananas, a sandwich, a bar of chocolate and a donut; and I dont even have any food left from lunch other than sultanas, but they're gross!

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