Chapter Twelve

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Jason's POV

I was extremely exhausted by the time I walked into the school. Surprisingly I decided to walk to school this morning, for three reasons of course.

1. Spencer, and Derek had told Pattie and Dad I kissed Justin - so I was grounded, and Justin had to sleep in his own bed last night... I lied and said it was a joke, and I was dared to, and Justin didnt tell them anything when they asked him about it, so I'm not in too much trouble.

2. I'm still annoyed with Nash, and didn't know whether he told anyone what he saw, so I wanted to avoid an awkward conversation on the bus with any of my friends.

3. I barely slept last night, so I thought walking to school would wake me up more - boy was I wrong.

I let a yawn slip from my lips, running a hand through my slightly greased hair - which reminds me, I need to shower tonight - and made my way towards the cafeteria, since they were open in the mornings.

I pulled out some money, and walked to the counter, ordering a large hot coffee, thanking the lord above that my school actually allowed coffee and energy drinks to be sold here.

Once the disposable cup was in my hand, I took a much needed gulp of it, and walked around the school, dodging as much human contact as possible.

I felt an arm being thrown over my shoulders, and that all too familiar voice in my ear, "How come I've never seen you at school this early?"

"Because I normally take the bus, Luke." I chuckled, sipping my coffee.

Luke took the cup from my hand, helping himself to a few sips, "Mmm, delicious." He grinned.

"Does it hurt to ask before you take?" I rose a brow.

"You didnt ask before you took my ass' virginity, hm?" Luke smirked into my ear, and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

Okay, I'll be honest, Luke and I fool around with each other, so there you have it, only one person at school knows that I'm into guys as well, aside from Nash.

I'm not sure whether to count Spencer, Derek and Justin since, well, I lied to them all saying I was straight when questioned futher about the whole kissing thing with Justin.

"Shut the fuck up, Luke." I blushed, my eyes darting around the area, thankful no one was in earshot of our conversation.

"Chill out, would you? I wouldn't tell anyone about it and you know it." Luke smiled, ruffling my hair, "Especially since I was the one to take it, Doofus." He laughed, whilst I snatched my coffee back.

"Jason, Luke, why on earth are avoiding our hangout area?" Nash ran in front of us, a pout on his lips, "I was all alone with Ashton, and I've never wanted to strangle that bastard so much in my life."

"I believe that's just your anger issues arising, taken your meds this morning?" Luke hummed.

Nash rolled his eyes, "Its got nothing to do with that, he's just genuinely annoying."

"And what makes you think you're not as annoying?" Luke snickered.

Nash glared at Luke, his cheeks reddening, "Fuck you." He spat bitterly, before storming off.

I sighed, shaking my head, "Dont anger him so much, Luke, you know how Nash gets."

"Yeah, but its funny. He's so fucking tiny, which makes it adorable. Its not like he'll burst and have a major fit." Luke laughed.

I smiled, shaking my head, before frowning, "He knows some shit about me, I dont want him saying stuff to people-"

"About us?" Luke snapped, his stare hard, yet I knew he was worried.

"No, about me... I'd tell you but frankly, I didnt even want Nash to know or see. so, lets drop this conversation." I sipped my coffee, walking off toward the usual area I sat at with my friends.

Author's Note; Im sorry this chapter was short and only in Jason's Point Of View!

But I'm tired and wanted to post somethin before I went to bed.

If some of you don't know, I am Australian, and its 1;53am where I am :)

So, I leave you with this question;

What country are you all from?

And omg, you guys should listen to Reece Mastin's song, Shout It Out, its an old one but Ive had it on replay all night and I just love it xD I was thinking of adding Reece into the story, but you guys should totes check him out, I'll leave a link to his song on the side so you can listen to it! :) I actually used to live really close to him, and my sister's ex boyfriend was his best friend, not to mention a friend of mine used to date his little sister! Its so crazy how close I was to knowing him xD I love him xx Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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