Chapter Seven

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Derek's POV

"So, how many friends do you have?" I asked curiously.

Spencer was leading me towards where his friends aparently were, and I was just following him like a lost puppy, due to the fact I had no idea where the hell to go in this school.

"Quite a few, surprisingly." Spencer said, glancing at me, "We all just hang out at school and stuff..."

I nodded, glancing down at his ass suddenly. I really dont know why I wanted to look, but hell, I was looking.

"Are you staring at my butt?" Spencer asked, raising a brow.

I chuckled, "I am... your arse is really round by the way." I snickered, watching him.

His cheeks tinted a bit,, but he shook his head, "Okay then..."

We finally reached a group of people, and Spencer cleared his throat, "Guys, uh, this is my step brother,  Derek. Derek, this is Liam, Calum, Louis, Josh and Niall." Spencer introduced us, pointing to each person to let me know who was who.

"Nice to meet you, Derek." Liam spoke up, smiling. The Niall kid was sitting pretty much on his lap while eating a sandwich.

"Yeah, Spencer has never introduced a family member to us before." Calum chuckled

"Oh, well I feel lucky." I smiled, winking at Spencer.

He rolled his eyes, "The bell is about to go, so, yeah thought I'd help him talk to some people so he aint a loner." Spencer shrugged.

"Li, I want to go to class now." Niall giggled, tugging on Liam's arm.

Louis smiled, "Well welcome to this school, it's different but you'll fit in."

Josh nodded in agreement.

I smiled, "Thanks."

"Right,, well I better take Niall to class, Catch ya later." Liam smiled getting up with Niall.

I looked to Spencer,  hearing the bell go off, "Care to show me the way to class?"

"I suppose." Spencer nodded. I smiled.

Jason's POV

" Where are we going?" Justin mumbled as I pulled him off of school premises, heading toward the park nearby, where there's a load of trees I used to play on when I was younger.

"To a secret hang out place." I said, thinking over what Nash was saying. Sometimes Nash says things that make me want to punch him in the mouth; and what he said about Justin just made my blood boil.

He can't do anything with Justin, I dont care what he says.

"A special secret place?" Justin giggled, "Can I tell Derek?"

"No, its a secret, just between you and I." I warned him.

Justin giggled, "Okay!"

"Good. Now that thats clear." I said, dragging him into the bunch of trees, before kind of shoving him against one tree, "Now we need to prove to Nash that he cant have you." I growled.

Justin frowned, "You're hurting me, you big meanie!" He glared.

"Oh who cares," I said, shoving my lips onto his in a deep kiss.

Take that, Nash.

Author's Note; Ello, guys another update for you. (This one was kinda rushed so I apologize for that!)

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