Chapter Twenty-Four

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Spencer's POV

I groaned, sitting up, "My head hurts." I whined, rubbing my eyes and wondering where the hell my glasses were.

Its not like I was completely blind when I didnt wear them, but it was easier to see with them on.

"Careful," Derek spoke up, entering the room with a tray of breakfast and a glass of water and orange juice on it.

"When did we get home last night?" I rubbed my temples.

Derek placed the tray on my lap, as well as passing me my glasses that seemed to be hooked on the collar of his shirt.

"About three in the morning, you kinda passed out in the kitchen..." Derek said, before pointing at two tablets, "They help with headaches."

I smiled, "Thanks." I took them without regrets, since I could feel a certain pounding in the back of my head begin to form, but I began to blush when I realized what I last remembered, "Oh my god, I threw up in your mouth."

"Yes you did." Derek cringed a bit, but laughed.

"Oh my god, I kissed you!" I gasped, "I molested my step brother!"

"Whoa, molest?" Derek snorted, chuckling, "Dude I liked it until you threw up in my mouth... I felt like I was in some weird fetish porno when you threw up though."

"I'm so sorry... I dont know what I was thinking." I blushed madly.

"It's okay, Spencer, really." Derek smiled, "I told you I liked it."

I stared at him surprised, "What? You liked kissing me?"

"Technically I liked you kissing me, but I wont lie and say I didnt like it when I did." Derek smiled, "Although you do need a few lessons."

I blushed, "Oh... uh... what-"

"Look, I do like you a lot Spencer," Derek sat at the end of my bed and smiled, "We don't have to have a relationship or anything, since you said you didn't really like them or whatever nonsense you were speaking that day; but I would surely love to teach you how to kiss better and well, show you how normal people go on dates and be all cutesy or whatever."

"Are you suggesting a practice relationship?" I asked, confused.

"I dont know what the hell that is but if it means we kiss, go on dates and cuddle, then yes." Derek grinned.

"But we're step brother's.... isn't that morally wrong?" I asked.

"That'd only count if we knew each other for like two years and never did anything with each other... I think..." Derek shrugged, "Come on, I really like you." He whined.

I chuckled a bit, "Let me think about it."

"How long will that take?" He pouted.

"I'll give you an answer tonight." I said, "Is this food for me?"

"Yes." Derek smiled.

I smiled back, "Already on my good side."

Jason's POV

"We need to find Justin, Luke and Michael." Ashton said, shaking a passed out Zayn on some couch.

"I hope Justin is alright, god, my dad will kill me." I frowned, rubbing my forehead as I walked through the house, filled with rubbish and passed out kids everywhere.

I headed outside as I searched for Justin, wanting to know where he was.

"Justin?" I called.

It's terrible that I happened to have been too drunk to watch Justin, I dont know what I was thinking last night.

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