Chapter Forty-One

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Derek's POV


Maybe I was asleep? I was hell tired, and I answered the front door in confusion to see my father there, motor cycle helmet under his arm and a cigerette sitting between his lips.

"Hey Der," He smiled naturally, "Justin ready?"

"What?" I asked confused.

"Mum didn't tell you?" Dad rose a brow, butting out his cigerette on the ground beneath his shoe.

"Well no, I was about to fall asleep..." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Justin is going to stay with me for the rest of the week," Dad smiled, "Maybe you'd like to come stay the week after, hey?"

I snorted, "And be around your new family? The one you left us for?"

Dad's smile fell, and I didn't care - if he was a better person, he and my mum would have worked out and we wouldn't have a broken family.

"I'm not with her anymore either... she took the kids and left, if you wanted to know." Dad grumbled bitterly.

"I don't know whether or not I should let you take Justin, he's probably safer here." I murmured, "Seeing as you're probably couch surfing with a bunch of your loser friends."

Dad frowned, "Derek, what goes on in my life when I'm not with you kids is none of your business... I know you're pissed about me and your mother not working out, but I have my reasons and so does she. We havent been together for years, now."

"It does concern me when you're supposed to be my father." I spat sourly.

"I'm not going to argue about this, Derek." Dad sighed.

"Daddy!" Justin squealed as he ran downstairs.

I cringed as Dad pushed passed me and managed to lift Justin in his arms still holding his helmet naturally.

"Hey, little man." Dad grinned, swinging Justin a bit, "Did you get taller?"

Justin giggled, "Maybe!"

"Ooh, I guess we can measure your height at Nana's when we stop by, yeah?" Dad chuckled.

"I haven't seen Nana forever!" Justin gasped and I fake gagged.

"Got your bags packed?" Dad murmured as he placed Justin back down on his feet.

"Jason is gonna bring them down, Daddy." Justin snuggled into his side.

Not even two seconds later, Jason was walking down the steps with a bag.

Dad smiled, "Thanks mate," He said and took the bag from Jason, "I'm Hunter - Justin and Derek's father, and you must be one of Jeremy's?"

"Jason, sir." Jason mumbled politely, shaking Dad's hand.

Dad smiled, "Well, nice to meet you, Justin and I better leave now though, I'm really not looking forward to the traffic."

"Bye Jason," Justin blushed and waved, before glancing at me and bitterly saying a goodbye.

I rolled my eyes as Dad led Justin out.

"See ya soon, Derek. I really hope you stop holding a grudge." Dad murmured as he walked out the front door, but I was quick to slam it in his face, turning on my heels.

"I wanted to watch Justin leave," Jason glared.

"Better be careful, as much of an idiot my father is, he may have the balls to beat you senseless..." I snapped, heading back to the room to where Spencer was, full blown asleep.

I climbed in my own bed this time and sighed annoyingly. I hate my family sometimes.

Justin's POV

I hopped in the carriage side of my Dad's motorcycle, giggling a bit when he put one of his massive helmets on my head as I sat back and stretched my legs.

"Don't move around too much, and keep your hands inside, okay?" Dad mumbled through his helmet, placing my bag on my lap, before starting it up.

I smiled, "Okay Daddy."

I took a deep breath as he started to drive, zooming down the road.

I was super glad Mummy said yes, I didn't really want to be around Derek while he was mad with me, plus I sort of missed my Daddy, I dont think I've seen him forever.


"I know this isnt exactly the best place, but this is home. I dont live with Susie anymore, so we'll spend a lot of time together, yeah?" Dad smiled as he held my hand, walking me up the stairs at a shared apartment block.

"Do you live up high?" I asked, smiling as I poked a fire extinguisher as we walked passed it.

"On the fifth floor, but at night it has a pretty cool view." Dad said, looking back at me, "I've got a friend living with me, just a heads up, alright?"

"What's your friend's name?" I hummed, starting to get exhausted from all the steps.

"Kyle," Dad said, stopping for a second, "Jump on my back."


"Because you look tired, come on." Dad chuckled and knelt down, so I got on his back and grinned as he carried me on his back.

Soon enough we walked into an apartment, and I giggled as Dad dropped me to my feet.

I looked around, the couches were a bit ripped and there wasnt much furnature, but Daddy had a nice TV.

"Home so soon?" A voice called and a guy around my Daddy's age walked in, glancing at me, "Ah, this must be Derek?"

I frowned.

"No," Dad laughed, "My second eldest, Justin... this is Kyle, my uh, roommate."

"Oh, hi there." Kyle smiled.

"I'm nicer than Derek." I grumbled as Dad set my bag down.

"Of course," Kyle smiled, "Did you want me to grab something to cook for dinner tonight seeing as we have company?" Kyle looked to Daddy.

"Yeah, I left money in my bank if you want to use that." Dad murmured, and I got lost in my own little world, wanting to look around.

I walked over to the couch and sat down, finding a remote on a crate in front of the couch.

I pressed the red button and watched the TV turn on.

My eyes grew wide at the sight of two men naked, playing with each others private parts while they kiss, but I think the TV was on mute while this continued.

"Daddy, what are they doing?" I blushed, and Dad looked over.

"Shit! Kyle, why didn't you take that out of the DVD player?" Dad ran over and grabbed the remote, changing it to a childrens channel.

"I didnt know it was in there," Kyle grumbled.

"What were they doing?" I frowned.

"I'm gonna leave you two alone, see ya later." Kyle rushed out of the apartment.

Dad groaned.

"Daddy, what were they doing? Tell me!" I demanded.

"Justin, you're not old enough to know this sort of thing." Dad sighed, "Your mother is going to murder me."

"I won't tell if you tell me what they were doing." I pouted.

Dad frowned, "Who on earth taught you blackmail?"

I smiled innocently, "I dont know."

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