Chapter Six

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Jason's POV

I chuckled as Zayn and Nash bobbed their heads to the tune of Flo Rida - Low. They had massive grins and tried to pull off weird faces.

I shook my head at the idiots and licked my lips, "You two are pure stupidity at its finest."

"Hey, I take offence to that line." Nash pouted.

"Awe, still bummed out about being in the special class this year?" Zayn cooed, turning his phone's music off.

Nash snorted, "I have to be in that class because of Dyslexia and ADHD, I'm not merely as dumb as the students actually attending." Nash said with a huff.

"Not judging you at all." Zayn snickered, "But hey, some of the students arent that bad in there."

"And the teacher is laid back so thats good," I added with a smile.

"At least I don't have to sit there and do work all the time," Nash grinned, "I also get away with swearing."

"Lucky you." Zayn snorted.

I smiled and looked around. we were on the oval at the school, sitting on some bench. I had skipped my lessons today, due to the fact I hated most of the stupid teachers here.

"I also met this new kid, Justin." Nash pulled out a cigarette, secretely lighting it so teachers nearby didnt notice, "Strangely innocent, might mess with him a little." He snickered.

"Wait, Justin?" I stared at him, did he mean my Justin?

I mean, uh, my Step Brother, Justin...

Nash nodded, "Yeah, Justin Bieber or something, you know him?"

I gritted my teeth lightly, "Yeah, my new step brother."

"Oh," Nash chuckled.

Zayn grinned, "That would be perfect then... Nash could totally ruin his innocence."

"Yeah, then you'd have that perfect payback for them." Nash smiled.

I shook my head, "You cant get him into drugs, Nash... or get him to smoke... he's young and thats just a bit too cruel."

"Oh come on, just a bit of Mary J, a glass of Vodka, and a bed, I can corrupt his sweet little mind." Nash wiggled his brows.

I cringed, "Thats just wrong."

"Gay sex?" Zayn rose a brow at Nash, "Thought you were straight?"

"I am, which means I'll fuck his ass, and he wont fuck mine." Nash grinned.

"It doesnt work like that." I snorted.

"Hey, I'm comfortable with my sexuality, are you two?" Nash grinned.

"Yeah, of course." Zayn smiled, "If you think about it, I reckon half the students at this school are gay, or bi."

I simply swallowed, "Cool, now, can you lay off of Justin?"

"I'm friends with him in class, Jase. I thought you wanted to get back at them for coming in and taking over your home?" Nash rose a brow.

"Oi!" A voice called out, causing us all to look behind where I sat, spotting our other friends, Luke, Ashton and Michael. "Thank you, guys, for totally ditching us." Luke whined as he pushed his way to sit beside me, sending me a quick wink.

Ashton sat on my other side while Michael sat beside Nash, across from me.

"Sorry, I was hanging for a ciggy." Nash said.

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