Chapter Four

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Spencer's POV

"This isn't fair, Dad. I cant even insult Jason, because he snaps at me - oh, and not to mention, we have to take extra caution in front of Justin." I paced back and forth as I yelled these words at my Dad, "This is all too weird. My life is already hectic, and you bringing these people into our family is screwing things up."

He sat at the end of my bed, just watching me with a risen brow, "Spencer-"

"Its bad enough that at school I get teased for being a nerd! If we bring Justin and Derek there, and they find out that we took in the stupid innocent family, do you know what they'll do to me?" I spat, glaring at him.

"Could you ju-" Dad began, but again I cut him off.

"I hate this. Stupid McCann curse, makes my life Hell."

"Enough!" Dad shouted, standing up. I looked up at him and frowned, pushing my glasses up, since they were practically slipping off the bridge of my nose.

He sighed, pulling me to sit beside him as he sat back down.

"I know we took this whole new family thing in suddenly, but Pattie is expecting our child... your little brother or sister." Dad licked his lips, "And I want this to work out, so badly. "

I frowned, crossing my arms, "Its a lot to take on, Dad... they're weird."

"They're affectionate." Dad smiled, "Which is something us boys havent had when it was just us.."

I shrugged, "It wasnt so bad."

"Give me a hug." Dad grinned.

I cringed, "What? Ew why?"

"Pattie said I need to hug you boys more, and if she wants something, I'll do it for her." Dad chuckled.

"I don-DAD LET ME GO!" I squealed as he pulled me into a tight hug.

Dad held me tight, "Now come eat dummy."

Derek's POV

Next Day

I woke up to the sound of an alarm, along with a groan of protest.

My eyes fluttered open and I sighed deeply at the thought of this being my first day at a new high school.

My vision was blurry, but I could see Spencer getting up and making his bed before grabbing his clothes to get changed.

I sat up when I heard a knock at the door, along with Jeremy's voice, "Rise and shine."

"We're up." Spencer replied.

I stretched my arms out and stood up from the bed, grabbing some casual clothes to wear.

"You cant wear belts or ties at this school," Spencer spoke up, noticing I had a belt with my jeans.

"Why?" I furrowed my brows.

"They're banned because a student hung himself with a belt two years ago... and some girl attempted to do the same with a tie three weeks later." Spencer mumbled as he started to change.

"What kind of school has that many suicides?" I began to change as well, going with some sweat pants instead.

"One with lots of bullying." Spencer stated, "But its been better since the rule change and new head master, bullying isnt tolerated at all anymore which is good in a way."

"I never had any problems with bullying." I stated, zipping my jacket halfway up - since it was rather cold.

"Maybe you were the bully?" Spencer shrugged.

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